Competition :)


Brown Belt
May 2, 2009
Reaction score
Tonawanda NY
Today I registered to compete in my first ever TKD competition! I will be doing board breaking and Pal Gwe Som Jang, my 7 year old daughter will be doing board breaking only.

Just wanted to share!

If youre local to Buffalo NY you can come watch me compete on June 6 at ECC north campus between 4-5:30pm
Congrats on signing up! I'd say good luck but its not luck which go you here - skill and determination did. Enjoy the competition!
Thanks everyone :)

Hopefully I will be very secure in my form by competition time...I just recently learned it so I really have to work at getting the moves down...stupid knife hands are the trickiest part for me!

You'll be fine!

I actually tanked my form at a tournament once. I had a small mistake in the first go around and had to repeat it and could not get it together after that at all! LOL. (I never did find out what the mistake was...but I was told that without the mistake it would have been a second place performance)

And yes, this is meant to encourage! I got a good laugh out of it. I went on to get a 3rd in Sparring and a 1st in my free style form.
In my first tournament, I did my kata inside out and backwards, ending up almost on top of the judges. Then I ended it with a weird braying laugh kind of thing when I tried to kiai. Amazingly, I placed 3rd out of 4. :uhyeah:
As someone who is also about to enter their first tournament this very weekend (I've entered for patterns and sparring) I wish you and your daughter the best of luck!

If you are anything like me then you are feeling very nervous about it but also greatly looking forward to it as well!

Whatever the result I am sure it will be a learning experience and lots of fun.

Good luck :)

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