China Plans Huge Buses

That thing just looks cool. But is it on a rail or free to move as it wants? Seems like curves would be a problem, not to mention if there is an obstruction in the road that requires swerving.
Might work in China. Won't work here in the US, because most drivers can't. Yes, I've seen 'crazy' drivers overseas, but I've never seen as many 'bad' drivers anywhere as I've seen in the USA. We suck at driving. Put those buses over the top and our booger-eatin' morons will be crashing into them left and right.
All you have to know about Driving in Beijing are that drivers do not watch where they are going, they watch where the other driver is going and that traffic laws are suggested, unless it is rush hour and the police are around.

I will not drive a car in Beijing, hell I won't even ride a bicycle in Beijing. This thing driving over cars.... excuse me... I need to take a right turn...WHAM!!! I just got cut in two by a damn big bus on rails.

This so far looks like a really, really, really stupid idea!