Check this out, Goju Ryu


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
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Check this out, a video on Goju Ryu. Some of these people look quite old, and yet they are in excellent shape and do amazing stuff. This goes to show how the martial arts are a fountain of youth.

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that is a good movie had sanchin (higaonnas's version)/ with shime, gekisai dai San, some of the techniques and my favorite kotekitai (body conditioning)

its always fun to do kotekitai with students that haven't done it before
Check this out, a video on Goju Ryu. Some of these people look quite old, and yet they are in excellent shape and do amazing stuff. This goes to show how the martial arts are a fountain of youth.

Easy on the language, most of them are younger than me. Quite old! Ba, humbug, mumble, mumble.
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Higoanna Hanshi is a fantastic teacher. His depth of knowledge is incredible. And for being about 76 years old he is in great shape. His favorite kata is Suparempei,it is also my favorite.

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