Charlie Sheen

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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Nacogdoches, Tx
Everyone knows the story, but what can anyone do?

should people who are clearly unbalanced be committed against thier will?
Everyone knows the story, but what can anyone do?

should people who are clearly unbalanced be committed against thier will?

In times past, with ease.

These days? Even if they pose a clear danger to society it's a stretch.

Sad to see people self destruct in this manner...
To quote def leppard: It's better to burn out, than fade away...
Well, it might not be better, but, it is certainly more entertaining for the rest of us.
Charlie's going out BIG and BAD. What sucks, is, I really like that show, and they just can't do it without him.
Incarcerating people for pre-crime is making a comeback, so it may be getting easier to commit "unbalanced" people.
CBS has apparently called his bluff and cancelled 2 1/2 Men. A show that was getting 15 million viewers/week.

They must be seriously pissed following his rant to give up that kind of coin.
CBS has apparently called his bluff and cancelled 2 1/2 Men. A show that was getting 15 million viewers/week.

They must be seriously pissed following his rant to give up that kind of coin.

It looks like the earlier story was either wrong or gave me the wrong impression on reading it; other sources are reporting that Two & a Half Men is just (so far at least) cutting it's current season short. Sorry if I made anyone panic...
Involuntary commitment (not THAT kind of commitment, guys!) is possible only under very specific circumstances.

An immediate threat to themselves or others - Mr Sheen is not currently announcing his plans to harm himself or anybody else, so this does not apply. Burning out your brains with drugs does not count.

Gravely disabled - this requires a person to be unbalanced as to be incapable of taking care of themselves. It can be applied to someone who is currently intoxicated or extremely psychotic. Also doesn't seem to apply in this case.

He's imploding, yes, but unless he decides he wants help, there's nothing that anybody else can really do.
When Charlie Sheens Karma train comes in, you won't want to be anywhere near the station.
Look at it this way... IF he's lucky the train will derail before it gets to the station and he'll sit in a rubber room blibbering like a drooling idjit ... finally get all that drug crap outta his system get his head outta his **** ... straighten up... fly right... get clean and restore himself back to his original stardom... kinda like what Robert Downey Jr. did....

IF he's lucky... but more-n-likely... he'll be (tied) on the cow-catcher as the train plows into the building wall at the end of the tracks.
Involuntary commitment (not THAT kind of commitment, guys!) is possible only under very specific circumstances.

An immediate threat to themselves or others - Mr Sheen is not currently announcing his plans to harm himself or anybody else, so this does not apply. Burning out your brains with drugs does not count.

Gravely disabled - this requires a person to be unbalanced as to be incapable of taking care of themselves. It can be applied to someone who is currently intoxicated or extremely psychotic. Also doesn't seem to apply in this case.

He's imploding, yes, but unless he decides he wants help, there's nothing that anybody else can really do.

Exactly! The laws vary from state to state, but that's the gist of it. Usually it takes either a doctor's word to initiate the process at all, or next of kin,, and a judge has to sign off on it. In most if not all states someone has a right to a hearing after a certain number of days' hold.

It's excruciating to go through this kind of meltdown, all the more so because people tend to get crucified by others with the negative attitudes displayed in this thread. It makes recovery that much harder. I was never a fan of the show, but I wish him well.
A local TV station here wanted people to send in a proposed name for Charlie Sheen's next television show. Some folks came up with "2 and half years" ... my husband quickly piped up, "COPS!" :lol:
Charlie Sheen has been lucky enough to have had a career where he became the highest paid actor in a television series where he played ... himself! Where's the work in that???

The only time he had to "act" is where his "character" had some kind of enlightened or softened moment and he clearly struggled displaying it. I frankly think he's a piss poor actor - he always plays himself. That's not acting, that's being a pretty face and having a relative or three in the business.

I guess, acting (to me) is the ability to take on another personality entirely, to totally transform into a being other than yourself. That is the art, the craft of acting, not being a pretty face who has a repertoire of canned responses.

Maybe that's just me.
Charlie Sheen has been lucky enough to have had a career where he became the highest paid actor in a television series where he played ... himself! Where's the work in that???
Maybe that's just me.
I've been saying that for a couple of years. Best job EVAH!
on "what is acting?" i would agree with georgia, but sheen has had some stellar roles.


wall street

hot shots
on "what is acting?" i would agree with georgia, but sheen has had some stellar roles.


wall street

hot shots

I thought he was kind of wooden in Platoon, but he has real comedic skill, I think. In fact, I think that's what his tirades have been-an attempt at comedy; they actually were funny......and sad at the same time...
Charlie Sheen has been lucky enough to have had a career where he became the highest paid actor in a television series where he played ... himself! Where's the work in that???

The only time he had to "act" is where his "character" had some kind of enlightened or softened moment and he clearly struggled displaying it. I frankly think he's a piss poor actor - he always plays himself. That's not acting, that's being a pretty face and having a relative or three in the business.

I guess, acting (to me) is the ability to take on another personality entirely, to totally transform into a being other than yourself. That is the art, the craft of acting, not being a pretty face who has a repertoire of canned responses.

Maybe that's just me.

I suppose when you do that kind of damage to yourself that is the best you can expect.

He has done some nice work, nothing ground breaking, nobody will ever accuse him to take work of the likes of Ben Kingsley or Anthony Hopkins, but good enough.
He is in good company when it comes to actors playing pretty much themselves in the movie.

But still, it is tragic to watch him self destruct in this manner.

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