Can Learning A Martial Art Improve Me?



My father tells me that I am a good-hearted person, but it is my temper that ruins me. Can anyone offer any suggestions?
Practice the following in this order...

Hok Yi --> Learn Kindess
Hok Yun --> Learn Fellowship
Hok Gung fu --> Learn Gung Fu

It will be a start.
Where can I find information on these exercises?
clfsean said:
Practice the following in this order...

Hok Yi --> Learn Kindess
Hok Yun --> Learn Fellowship
Hok Gung fu --> Learn Gung Fu

It will be a start.
Oh yeah! I didn't think anyone else would have heard of those.

Southern Crane,
What exactly are you asking?

Many martial arts do teach an individual about self-control & self-discipline, but that takes time, especially if you are trying to keep your temper in control. I see you state you are learning Wu Shu. How is it going so far for you?

- Ceicei
Southern Crane said:
My father tells me that I am a good-hearted person, but it is my temper that ruins me. Can anyone offer any suggestions?
1) Do you think your temper is a problem? Are you "ruined", or does your temper cause you to explode?

2) If you are trying to become a more even-tempered person, MA may or may not help - it's up to you if you want to change, and feel like you want to change. Some people talk about martial arts as a panacea for lots of personality issues they'd like to change/get rid of. But I've met folks with bad tempers, etc., who ended up leaving MA, or finding a school with lots of testosterone poisoning, rather than staying with the art in a calm environment.

3) How is your MA training going? Do you feel like it's helping you to be a calmer person?
Southern Crane said:
Where can I find information on these exercises?
Those aren't exercises... that's life. :whip:

Best place... find a nice spiritual center... or a retirement center... or a Boys/Girls club helping kids... or a hospital doing volunteer work....

Learn the value of more than yourself & you'll be on the right path...
Can Learning A Martial Art Improve Me?

Hmm.... dumb question... the answer is an obvious yes. IF...if you apply what you learn to be a better person all-around.
If you grow with your knowledge like a tree in a fertile field then you cannot help but to be a better person. If you stagnate in the rocks and do not expand then the tree that you are explodes from the pressure within.
I agree with everything said so far. My opinion...YOU are the only source of change. Either you use your experiences and some self-evaluation and change, or you dont. Plenty of ******** start studying martial arts and become ******** who know martial arts.
Thank you all. It's good to know I am on the right path to mastering my good-heart, bad temper balance. Thank you ClfSean, I will try some hospital volunteer work to carlm my soul. Ceicei, the wu shu is going ok, but I have to tell you I am finding the moves to be a bit pointless and they are fustrating to learn, which causes me to become aggrivated! Feisty Mouse, your comments were very interesting - i'm not sure if I am "ruined" by my temer. Even though my parents believe otherwise, I strongly believe my temperament can be very useful if channeled in the right direction. Im not sure how to do this though. ANY suggestions? btw what is testosterone poisoning, and what are the dangers of this? MACaver, are u saying I need room to grow? how do I do this and MOST IMPORTANTLY how do I channel the temper and good heart i posses, in the right direction? any advice welcome?

(quote: My dad says "I am a good-hearted person, but my temper ruins me.")
Forget what your dad says. Seriously, we all have our own little issues to deal with. Go learn MA, go become a nice dude, go help those who need it.

These aren't all mutually exclusive!!!
Southern Crane said:
Thank you all. It's good to know I am on the right path to mastering my good-heart, bad temper balance. Thank you ClfSean, I will try some hospital volunteer work to carlm my soul. Ceicei, the wu shu is going ok, but I have to tell you I am finding the moves to be a bit pointless and they are fustrating to learn, which causes me to become aggrivated! Feisty Mouse, your comments were very interesting - i'm not sure if I am "ruined" by my temer. Even though my parents believe otherwise, I strongly believe my temperament can be very useful if channeled in the right direction. Im not sure how to do this though. ANY suggestions? btw what is testosterone poisoning, and what are the dangers of this? MACaver, are u saying I need room to grow? how do I do this and MOST IMPORTANTLY how do I channel the temper and good heart i posses, in the right direction? any advice welcome?

(quote: My dad says "I am a good-hearted person, but my temper ruins me.")
Well, I have a hard time believing that a single personality trait would "ruin" someone - or did he say "runs" you? As to what you replied to Ceicei - I would look at your wu shu practice as a practice in learning to be calm, to do something just for the sake of doing it, even if there doesn't seem to be a directly and immediately relevant point.

Controlling one's temper (or any other personality change, if you are interested) is training, too. It takes time, and lots of effort.

Gavin Daniel said:
Thank you all. MACaver, are u saying I need room to grow? how do I do this and MOST IMPORTANTLY how do I channel the temper and good heart i posses, in the right direction? any advice welcome?
(quote: My dad says "I am a good-hearted person, but my temper ruins me.")
The room to grow is within you. Not the space in which you live. No matter where you go there you are. And there your problems will still be. No escape from ourselves. I've learned this the hard-way.
If you cannot find by whatever means necessary to channel the negative energy which is your temper/anger to positive good then you must find a means to expend it all. A room to stand in the middle of and scream or out in the middle of a field for the same thing. Or a punching bag til you literally drop out of exhaustion.
But thing is what are you tempering about? Why are you so quick to anger? Whence does this anger come from and who is is really directed at? Only you have the answers to these.
Be honest... remember it's only yourself that will know your truths til you share them with someone else. Mebbe it won't be pleasant but at least you'll know where to start the process of elimination eh?
Try it out...
It can provide a nice release thats for sure :D

Also is likely to make you healthier, as any excercise will, which is always good.
Try a CMA with lots of rolling and falling, preferably without mats. Do it every day. I have seen it work wonders. (OK maybe not wonders, but it does seem to mellow people out.) Meditation can be good but without something to do with the extra energy, it can send you in the wrong direction.


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