Bruce Lee could defeat grown men when he was three years old?!

Is it true that a toddler martial artist can defeat an adult in battle that doesn't know martial arts? That's pretty amazing if so.

Only if he trains with this guy. :boing1:

Your friends are pulling your leg, amigo. A three year old can barely wipe his own butt, much less fight a grown man.
Bruce Lee of course not. This boy however...

Fun fact.

As a young adult studying Wing Chun, Bruce actually lost his first fight -- a rooftop fight organized and refereed by Wong Shun Leung. Initially, he wanted to quit after that, until Wong convinced him otherwise. He started taking his training more seriously after that, and the rest is history.

So, initially, he couldn't even defeat an opponent as an adult.

It's almost like he was human ;)
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Fun fact.

As a young adult studying Wing Chun, Bruce actually lost his first fight -- a rooftop fight organized and refereed by Wong Shun Leung. Initially, he wanted to quit after that, until Wong convinced him otherwise. He started taking his training more seriously after that, and the rest is history.

So, initially, he couldn't even defeat an opponent as an adult.

It's almost like he was human ;)

Oh come on... look at this kid..... he had to be a Martial Arts Monster at that age


And he HAD To be a Martial Arts MEGA-master by this time


So I find it hard to believe that Bruce EVER got beat in a fight by ANYONE since the day he was born :uhyeah:
(even though I have heard that Wong Shun Leung story before, believe it and trust the source)

Meh...Chuck Norris could take on a biker gang 15 seconds after he was conceived :burp:

Well... my idea of what is and isn't possible might have been skewered by my braggart friends trying to come across as tough and hardened as possible. Growing up I've heard things like "I kicked a police officer's *** when I was six" or "I fought off three people that tried to mug me when I was 10." Maybe all that stuff isn't even true and I'm just gullible. -___-

I mean this in a genuine, no offence way, but would I be right if I was to guess that you are still just a kid yourself? By the time you get to probably early to mid 20s, you start to realise for yourself that all those tales from childhood were rubbish. The 'I kicked a coppers ****' thing is right up there with 'I'm definitely not a virgin cos cos 2 Swedish blondes seduced me when I was on holiday honest' and 'I got the swing to go right over the top once' or my personal favourite (for real, a friend actually expected us to believe this once) 'I got my leg bit off by a shark but somehow got it back and had it stitched back on'. As you get older you quickly realise that these tales are just rubbish. The product of a very active yet insecure child's imagination. Perfectly normal among adolescents who, through a healthy evolutionary drive to be accepted and seen as a good breeding partner, will make up anything if they think it might give them the edge over their peers.

I've heard of some experienced martial artists being able to kill others with a single well-placed punch, so that made me think that it allows one to put several times more power behind their punch than they would be able to otherwise.

This bit is NOT rubbish. And it is exactly the reason why most decent martial arts schools, and indeed common sense, teach us to NOT fight if that is an option. But the bit you are misguided on is in your belief that a) only a martial artist can do this and b) it takes more power than normal to do it. It does not take a well placed punch, it does not take a good punch from someone trained in punching, and it does not take power to kill someone with a single punch. There have been tragically too many deaths from people falling back and hitting their head on a concrete floor and dying from a single punch, where often their aggressor had absolutely no intention of killing them. There have been instances of people dying from a single punch have had a heart attack from the sudden shock of being attacked. The simple fact is that fighting is, by its very nature, dangerous and stupid. Avoid it, talk your way out of it, ask someone else to back you up, run away, whatever, just avoid the physical combat if at all possible. Not just in case its you that gets killed, but in case in self defence you kill the attacker. Even if its self defence, you're still going to be up in court charged with murder, and then have to prove your innocence. What I'm saying is please don't go through life under the false assumption that fights are usually harmless. Although they usually are relatively harmless, they are sometimes not, and the 'sometimes nots' are rarely among trained fighters, just ordinary everyday folk.
A friend of mine told me that some of the greatest martial artists of all time, such as Bruce Lee or Masutatsu Oyama, could consistently trounce grown (non-martial artist) men in combat when they were only 2-3 years old. Is it true that a toddler martial artist can defeat an adult in battle that doesn't know martial arts? That's pretty amazing if so.

No, it's a bunch of BS. Yeah, you can teach a 3-year old to do a side kick or a roundhouse kick, and they can kick at your shin until they get tired and quit, and at most you'll have a little bruise. I don't care if they're a prodigy, you could just step on them and they can't fight you anymore.

Don't listen to your friend, and don't give in to the mystical hype that surrounds famous martial artists. They were some dudes that trained and studied and worked out a lot for years and years, nothing magical about that.
Here's what you can realistically expect from 2 year olds doing martial arts.

Hahaha, pretty much. I mean, at 3 they can still get something useful and good out of martial arts class in terms of learning foundational motor skills, how a martial arts class runs, social skills/character development stuff, and some basic kicks, but they're not going to be tough SOBs in sparring. They're toddling around kind of pushing their foot against each other like in that video. Frankly at 3 I'm happy if they learn the basic WTF sparring rules, kick each other a few times and have fun.
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Yeah but what about the Chosen One as shown in the historical documentary Kung Pow Enter the Fist

Here you can see the baby defeating the man who would be called Betty
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Well that's it...proof positive.... a baby can beat the living daylights out of an adult :D

Actually I am incredibly jealous I did not think of that clip first.... :mst:
A friend of mine told me that some of the greatest martial artists of all time, such as Bruce Lee or Masutatsu Oyama, could consistently trounce grown (non-martial artist) men in combat when they were only 2-3 years old. Is it true that a toddler martial artist can defeat an adult in battle that doesn't know martial arts? That's pretty amazing if so.

Considering some of the hype out there, admittedly worse when I began studying MA, as there weren't so many studying the MA, it is possibly a legitimate question. But probably best asked at the school where you train. If those at your school tell you that it was true, I would suggest you consider how you can explain you have heard that, and want to know if the old practitioners know something we don't. Also, how not to be too gullible. Failing either of those two, I would suggest you consider another school.

If you are just being a troll, we will determine that quickly and life at MT will probably become unsatisfying to you. In which I would suggest you get serious or get gone. Why put yourself through the frustration?
Considering some of the hype out there, admittedly worse when I began studying MA, as there weren't so many studying the MA, it is possibly a legitimate question. But probably best asked at the school where you train. If those at your school tell you that it was true, I would suggest you consider how you can explain you have heard that, and want to know if the old practitioners know something we don't. Also, how not to be too gullible. Failing either of those two, I would suggest you consider another school.

If you are just being a troll, we will determine that quickly and life at MT will probably become unsatisfying to you. In which I would suggest you get serious or get gone. Why put yourself through the frustration?

Yeah but what about the Chosen One as shown in the historical documentary Kung Pow Enter the Fist

Here you can see the baby defeating the man who would be called Betty

Damn, beat me to it :)
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