Bruce Lee could defeat grown men when he was three years old?!


White Belt
Sep 30, 2014
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A friend of mine told me that some of the greatest martial artists of all time, such as Bruce Lee or Masutatsu Oyama, could consistently trounce grown (non-martial artist) men in combat when they were only 2-3 years old. Is it true that a toddler martial artist can defeat an adult in battle that doesn't know martial arts? That's pretty amazing if so.


The Dark Often Prevails
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Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
A friend of mine told me that some of the greatest martial artists of all time, such as Bruce Lee or Masutatsu Oyama, could consistently trounce grown (non-martial artist) men in combat when they were only 2-3 years old. Is it true that a toddler martial artist can defeat an adult in battle that doesn't know martial arts? That's pretty amazing if so.

What fully grown male is going countenance such an act?


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Oct 29, 2001
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Kennewick, WA
If I recall correctly, Bruce didn't start studying martial arts until he was in high school, and I believe that was similar in Mas Oyama's case as well. So don't believe the hype.
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White Belt
Sep 30, 2014
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I'm serious, Dirty Dog. I know that being well-versed in the martial arts can enhance your strength many times over by teaching you how to make the most effective use of your body, and that experienced martial artists can do some really unbelievable things.


The Dark Often Prevails
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Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini
I'm serious, Dirty Dog. I know that being well-versed in the martial arts can enhance your strength many times over by teaching you how to make the most effective use of your body, and that experienced martial artists can do some really unbelievable things.

Jackie Chan is a movie star! Either you are three years old or this is just stupid. Effective use of the body still has limitations. Going for some pop corn.

Tames D

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Apr 18, 2006
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Los Angeles, CA
A friend of mine told me that some of the greatest martial artists of all time, such as Bruce Lee or Masutatsu Oyama, could consistently trounce grown (non-martial artist) men in combat when they were only 2-3 years old. Is it true that a toddler martial artist can defeat an adult in battle that doesn't know martial arts? That's pretty amazing if so.

Chuck Norris is the only 2 year old on record as having trounced an adult male.

Bob Hubbard

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Land of the Free
But what about Anakin Skywalker? He was podracing when he was 6, and destroyed a space battleship before he was 14!


Green Belt
Aug 15, 2014
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A friend of mine told me that some of the greatest martial artists of all time, such as Bruce Lee or Masutatsu Oyama, could consistently trounce grown (non-martial artist) men in combat when they were only 2-3 years old. Is it true that a toddler martial artist can defeat an adult in battle that doesn't know martial arts? That's pretty amazing if so.

I think your friend is pulling your leg. The only situation I can think of where anyone would find out would be the most horrific situation such as the brutal massacres of 'ethnic cleansing' that have happened in various wars.

No 3 year old kid is going to defeat an able bodied fully grown man in unarmed combat.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Jun 27, 2011
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I don't know about two or three, but when I was six I defeated half the....oh, wait, that wasn't me. Never mind.


Senior Master
Jan 20, 2013
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What grown man did he beat up?, that sounds highly unlikely, and one person said he didn't join martial arts till later life. And another thing even if it wasn't later on i still never heard of a 3 year old able to effectively defend their self from a grown man. A grown man could just pick up a three year old without even putting effort into it. A grown man against a 3 year old is almost like that saying "easy as taking candy from a baby" either hees a super baby (impossible) or the man has so many problems that defending himself is out of the question(in that case he would never try attack the kid)

That sounds like something people would say as a joke "Bruce lee beat people up since he was 3 years old"

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
I'm serious, Dirty Dog. I know that being well-versed in the martial arts can enhance your strength many times over by teaching you how to make the most effective use of your body, and that experienced martial artists can do some really unbelievable things.

This, this right here

experienced martial artists

Makes this

A friend of mine told me that some of the greatest martial artists of all time, such as Bruce Lee or Masutatsu Oyama, could consistently trounce grown (non-martial artist) men in combat when they were only 2-3 years old. Is it true that a toddler martial artist can defeat an adult in battle that doesn't know martial arts? That's pretty amazing if so.

a silly question

You have nix, nil, nada, zero, zilch experience in martial arts when you are

only 2-3 years old.

You can barely walk at 3 little alone kick an adults butt with a flying spinning kick of doom...

I also heard a comedian once say a friend of his said Bruce Lee was so fast that he could punch you in the chest, rip out your heart and show it to you before you died.... and then he's toss it in the bean dip..... didn't believe that one either


Green Belt
Aug 15, 2014
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Here's what you can realistically expect from 2 year olds doing martial arts.

There are 2 year olds that can pass a grading, like this kid, who got his first belt at 2.
Taekwondo toddler Jayden, two, becomes country's youngest belt holder (From Bradford Telegraph and Argus)

Now how long does it take to develop actual combat skill in martial arts, lets say you train intensively every day, and you are in your prime. 6 weeks to develop some basic combat worthiness? More realistically perhaps a few months. But what if you still have to spend maybe 18 hours of each day either asleep or resting, maybe 3 hours eating, drinking or getting a nappy change, leaving only 3 hours to run around like a crazy nut. Not much time left to train, so maybe 3 years to develop any significant skill perhaps? Now what do we need in order to train in martial arts. Well, I'd say we need to be able to stand up unaided, so that's best part of the first year of life tied up. You probably have to have an attention span measured in tens of seconds rather than... ooh look, interesting thing that I'm not allowed to touch.... sorry I digress, where were we? Ah yes. I reckon if you start very early, you're looking at almost 2 year old before you even start, then another 5 years before you develop any significant skill.

So that brings our theoretical martial arts superkid to 7 years old. Already way past our theoretical infant mutant ninja toddler.
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Dirty Dog

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I'm serious, Dirty Dog.

You know, I really don't think you are.

I know that being well-versed in the martial arts

So you're going to used that phrase as a description of a 3 year old, and still expect people to take you seriously? Do you know anything about martial arts training? Have you ever actually seen a 3 year old? I'm not even going to ask about one who is "well-versed" in even one small portion of any martial art other than Poo-Fu.

can enhance your strength many times over by teaching you how to make the most effective use of your body,

No. Wrong. Strength training enhances your strength, but not "many times over".

and that experienced martial artists can do some really unbelievable things.

The rules and limitations of human physiology still apply.


White Belt
Sep 30, 2014
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You know, I really don't think you are.


Well... my idea of what is and isn't possible might have been skewered by my braggart friends trying to come across as tough and hardened as possible. Growing up I've heard things like "I kicked a police officer's *** when I was six" or "I fought off three people that tried to mug me when I was 10." Maybe all that stuff isn't even true and I'm just gullible. -___-

No. Wrong. Strength training enhances your strength, but not "many times over".

I've heard of some experienced martial artists being able to kill others with a single well-placed punch, so that made me think that it allows one to put several times more power behind their punch than they would be able to otherwise.

Thanks for the replies, everyone!


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
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A friend of mine told me that some of the greatest martial artists of all time, such as Bruce Lee or Masutatsu Oyama, could consistently trounce grown (non-martial artist) men in combat when they were only 2-3 years old. Is it true that a toddler martial artist can defeat an adult in battle that doesn't know martial arts? That's pretty amazing if so.

Those are just tall tales, you find them all the time in the martial arts. There are some people who actually believe that in the martial arts if you go to the right "master" you can learn how to throw a fireball from your hands out of thin air like in the video games. It's amazing what people believe. The fact of the matter was that Bruce Lee was quite frail as a child and his parents were concerned about him being able to take care of himself, that all changed of course when he was at his prime.


Senior Master
Jan 20, 2013
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Well... my idea of what is and isn't possible might have been skewered by my braggart friends trying to come across as tough and hardened as possible. Growing up I've heard things like "I kicked a police officer's *** when I was six" or "I fought off three people that tried to mug me when I was 10." Maybe all that stuff isn't even true and I'm just gullible. -___-

I've heard of some experienced martial artists being able to kill others with a single well-placed punch, so that made me think that it allows one to put several times more power behind their punch than they would be able to otherwise.

Thanks for the replies, everyone!

Maybe, well... Police are supposed to be trained to deal with various scenarios, and deal with mostly adults. Actually you don't even have to have police training to be able to deal with a 6 year old, and a 10 year old taking out 3 muggers, maybe 3 kids trying to steal lunch money but not 3 grown men

I've also been gullible but you can't believe everything you here, some things like the 3 year old thing are just very unlikely

Being able to do that in one punch... Depends where you hit them but I'm not going to touch that subject.....


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
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I reckon this guy could really do the job.

No doubt in my mind. ;)


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