
Earl Weiss

Senior Master
Jan 27, 2009
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...............................My focus is on the MT members who are reading the discussion, who can decide for themselves General Choi's skill level and the truthfulness of his claims of Karate 2nd Dan (and other claims for that matter) after hearing the facts presented.

I encountered General Choi briefly in the 1970's but the first real encounter was at a course in 1990. I didn't expect much having trained with the top American instructors who were at some point in my early career under Nam Tae Hi or Han Cha Kyo. (Both of whom were pioneers and held General Choi in high esteem.

Anyway I was quite frankly amazed by his abilities for a man of his age. I was also amazed at his level of recall of technical details and how he wore us out teaching and seemed to have endless energy. I don't expect that he was a superstar during TKDs formative years or perhaps at any time. That is probably why he recruited superstars like Nam as a powerhouse and Han as a jumper.

Mas Oyama came to visit with Gneral Choi and KS Shin when he was in Chicago in I think the late 1960's for a tournament

I was also impressed by those who came to see him in later years such as He Young Kimm, and Kim Bok Man. Also KS Shin when General Choi was in Chicago.

At a memorial service following his death in Lincolnwood Illinois over 40 supposedly well known Korean instructors attended. (I did not know it would take place).

So, while I don't pretend that their was criticism of Gneral Choi, I do take the source into account, particularly when it comes from those finding themselves disenfranchised like GM Son.


3rd Black Belt
Oct 27, 2009
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St. Louis, MO
I was also impressed by those who came to see him in later years such as He Young Kimm, and Kim Bok Man. Also KS Shin when General Choi was in Chicago.

Kim Bok Man -- Now that an interesting gentleman. I met him two years ago, alone, in a st. Louis suburb and took him for breakfast and then spent about 4 hours with him talking shop -- mainly about Taekwondo. He's the most interesting martial artist I've ever met.


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2010
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The only citation in the book that I recall seeing is the newspaper ad. All the other comments are not cited, they are just reported. If you don't get that difference, or think it's important, that's your business.

I don't think your point is important. I think you try to make that unimportant point because you don't have anything else to add to the discussion. I think what your point is is semantics. I also don't think people really care about your point. I know I don't. I think that people want to hear what the pioneers had to say and what they thought about various issues that get discussed here, because it gives them additional insight into Taekwondo. I think that the level of discussion gets raised when we talk about the pioneers and their views. I also think that you don't like what I have to say, especially about General Choi, because you practice ITF Taekwon-Do. And I think all of this might to obvious to everyone who has been attempting to follow the discussion, everyone except maybe you.

But that's ok. If you want, yes, I am a bad guy because I am simply repeating what the pioneers said, instead of being there in 1959 to witness first hand what they said they saw. So what. That still doesn't change the fact that you don't really have anything to add to the discussion other than that "point".


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2010
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He really pissed a lot of people off in South Korea!

Not only in South Korea, but all over the world. And not only Kukki Taekwondoin, but ITF members as well. His autobiography is one big conflict with authority over another. I have to say that as hard as I tried to read that two volume set from cover to cover, I couldn't finish it.


2nd Black Belt
Sep 16, 2010
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Can we get back to the part where you post the video of GM Lee? Because this other back and forth, I'm not even reading it. I'm just interested in seeing any of the pioneers talking on tape. Or practicing. Or both. Or even some pictures. Come on man, it sounds like you have a treasure chest of awesome, and you should share with the class.


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
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