Black Friday

Tgace said:
People dont like to hear it but Im sure you understand...many times (not ALL...but many) you can get an accurate "read" on people from the first impression.

I also always noticed that many times a person who blatantly does something "just because they want to"; like blatantly blowing a red light, to cutting in line, to just being rude *** ***** always seem to have had many more contacts with the police than others. But somehow its always us "hassling" them. Like we just pick out random people to screw with.
I'm of the opinion that people who are regularly "hassled" have a history of being arrogant, antagonistic, rude, disrespectful or simply just bullies. Why they seem to come out more at the holidays I'll never fully understand.
Well, I lied, I ventured out on black friday.

To the hardware store for window Insulation.


Oddly enough, there was no line.
i was out side target at 445 AM for one item then onto sears and kmart then walgreens with my mom and grandma. Scary but fun
I went out to two bookstores. But my wife was shopping at 5AM, as I mentioned--to no avail! The bookstores were not too crowded.
Bob Hubbard said:
Who reads nowadays?

Losers like us. if we were DECENT people, we'd be parked in front of the TV 24/7...
I stayed in - no crowds, no traffic jams. :)

But my mother's stupid yappy Pomeranian kept me awake most of Thursday night :erg: so I spent most of Friday catching up on z's...
I used to work at walmart and let me tell you anybody that goes shopping on black friday is very brave! You would not imange what some people willl do to get what they want!
Technopunk said:
Losers like us. if we were DECENT people, we'd be parked in front of the TV 24/7...

I'm a loser too.....
I was going to start a new thread about Black Friday then I remembered this one from last year..I'll be sitting on my sitting on my butt in radio dispatch again, same as last year..So I am wondering if any of you brave souls are actually going to venture out tomorrow for shopping????
I'm working retail this year, so, no choice. If I wasn't, I wouldn't set foot in a store until Jan 2nd. It's already gotten crazy.
Probably not; most of my shopping is done, and the rest isn't dependent on sales of that type - the only thing I haven't bought is for my mother; she wants (of all things) a digital bathroom scale. Since I have a 20% off coupon from Bed, Bath & Beyond, I'll go get it there some weeknight when it's calmed down a little.
One of my part time gigs is at a shopping center doing mobile patrols..Unless dispatched to respond to a store for a problem I will avoid entering ANY store..
I've dusted this old thread off to see if anyone is going to venture out shopping this year on BLACK FRIDAY..Some stores are opening at 4 AM...
I've dusted this old thread off to see if anyone is going to venture out shopping this year on BLACK FRIDAY..Some stores are opening at 4 AM...

Yup. Its about the only time of year when I purposefully deal with crows. My mom and I are going out shopping together. For what? I'm not sure yet :D

I went out with my nephew and his gf the last couple years and had a great time. But now (*sniffing bittersweetly*) he's a college boy with his own life.

I told my boss I'd provide first shift coverage as long as I can telecommute, so mom and I are heading out then I'm going back to her place to get online and eat leftovers. It's going to be a surreal day, but I'm looking forward to it :)

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