
Hello, Awareness has many meanings and will differ from others.

Always trust your instincts ( awareness from the inner self). It senses something is not right! You have to teach yourself to listen,trust, and get out of that situtions,place, to do something different, call for help (police,co-worker,friend,family), before going any futher.

Awareness also can not go to places that have a bad reputations for trouble.

Awareness also means to walk with your head up, eyes looking around, prepare to (fight or flee), and not be parnoid too!

Awareness is be not make your self an easy tarket for the bad guys, beware of how you walk,dress,talk,and looking around.

Awareness means not to be caught off guard, unprepare, always be
aware of people tricking you (make pretending)...

Awareness is often mention...never really explain in detail in classes...can you share some of yours? ............Aloha
I do this as well. I always scan (visual check), listen (audio check), and feel (gut check). If I get a weird feeling, then I re-scan, listen, scan some more

I always tell the rookies that I've trained to NEVER, EVER ignore the little voice inside OR the gut feeling...

Wow, glad to know I'm not the only one with an aversion to sitting in a place with my back to the door. Plus I never sleep in a motel/hotel room in the bed closest to the door.

Nope, you are NOT alone...I had an older gentleman with a checkered past tell me that when I was 17 and I never forgot it
Nice post Drac. I usually stop upon entering or exiting a building to seep in and feel what is going on around me. Visual check and Audio Check of who is near and what they are doing. Are there any cars in the vicinity and if so is someone in them? Those are just a few of the precaution's that I take. The same process minus the cars is used when entering a office building, restaurant, etc. Who is there and do they have a legitimate reason to be there?

I do the same thing when entering or exiting a room, or a building. I use reflective surfaces as I walk to check out what's going on behind me, make a mental note of the exits and objects that can be used as weapons of opportunity and/or cover or concealment, and run through some "what if" scenarios as I go about my business there. I also like to situate myself where I have control of the room.
An old friend of mine used to say that when you walk in a room you should scan to one side with your first step and then with your second step scan the other side, passing the front of you as you go, then a secondary scan as you walk across the floor with attention given to anyone who caught your eye, then scan for fire exits, back doors and large open windows as a means to escape a crisis, only on satisfaction of this can you then stay in the place.

I am sorry to say I always forget that but I do walk around "as if I own the place" and know exactly where I'm going, I walk quickly and confidently and when I pass groups of people hanging around I scan their faces and usually make sure they know I've done it. On the occasions I carry a handbag, I make sure it's a shoulder bag and I have one hand tight on the strap at all times, it's usually a zip type with a flap over the zip so it's not easily dipped into. If I'm carrying a lot of money which I do once a month, it's always on my person, in trouser pockets or in a money belt. I wear jeans and trainers to take cash to the bank if I can.

I also use my instincts and feel a place too, you can usually feel if the atmosphere isn't right.

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