anyone heard of toushinkai?

Don Roley said:
Yunoki is very open about what he does. He does not claim to be a teacher of hsitorical ninjutsu, rather he teaches a dude ranch type of reconstruction. He took a few things from books and teaches them to people who want a little fun. You may note that there is no pictures or mention of anythign like punching or kicking on anything he controls, just the students from overseas claiming to represent him. I have met Yunoki and been to his theme park. What he does and what Toushinkai claims he is are two seperate things.

Ah yes, I can read Japanese.
then why doesn't yunoki correct them? too bad! anyway it looks like a cool place to visit. i don't know if they are legit but from what don is saying they're not. i guess i'll take don's word on this one.
Enson said:
then why doesn't yunoki correct them?

Does Yunoki know what they are doing?

Go through the posts of Saitama Steve here and you will find a case of some guy using the name "Yo Sato" claiming to be a member of a koryu preservation society for years without that orginization knowing he was doing so. Tanaka Fumon has a ton of people claiming to teach his art who are not qualified to do so. Oh, and look up the Rodmeister's experience in Japan.

Most of the cases where people have climaed to be teachers under a person in Japan that have been exposed have done so because of some English speaker living and training with that teacher in Japan. The Englsih speaker finds out the story and lets the Japanese teacher know. In this case, I know of no English speaker studying with Yunoki because he does not have a dojo.
Hi Everyboby, I said, who likes it follow and who doesn't goes on with his ideas.
I am not here to advertise, recruit students or looking for fame.

Good for you Don if you are satisfied with what you are doing....but what you are saying is wrong. Believe it or not.....I personally don't really care.
Whoever wants to check it out can send an e-mail to Yunoki (the website is in some posts behind) and ask (Don, you can even write in!).
And why do not post the replies on this forum ???
Don, you are saying that Toushinkai is not recognized.....check it out.

My best and deepest Rei to everybody.

Wasabi said:
Whoever wants to check it out can send an e-mail to Yunoki (the website is in some posts behind) and ask (Don, you can even write in!).
And why do not post the replies on this forum ???
Don, you are saying that Toushinkai is not recognized.....check it out.

Ah yes, I have seen this stratagy used by frauds before. Instead of providing proof themselves (in this case, something that shows Yunoki trains in things like punching a kicking- missing from any pistures etc or that he did anythign but recreate some stuff from historical works, etc) the person being questioned tries to try to present the other side as not being interested in the turth and keeping things out of the public eye.

Well, over a decade ago I visited Yunoki at his ninja theme park and he took me out to sushi later. He even arranged for me to exchange money with a bank after the hours it would normally be possible. At no time during the time we spent together discusssing ninjutsu and it's history did he say anything about having been taught it or teaching an art that predated him. I have two literarry works by him on my bookshelf and while I value them, at no time did he list his credentials as being a teacher of a ninjutsu tradition.

Oh, and did I mention that I speak and read Japanese at the highest level the Japanese goverment tests for? Care to show me independently verifiable proof that you or your teacher does so?

Dear Don,

It seems that you are a very arrogant and shallow person and I am not honestly interested to keep up this conversation with you. You can be the best ninjutsu practitioner or teacher or whatever you are but remember that are values like respect, honor, modesty and wisdom that makes a man before any uniform or belt color. Unfortunately it seems those are not your strenghts.

My posts were not for advertisement but only to exchange constructive information among people who shares the same interest, well....I understand that this is not the right place. Congratulations, you are among the enlighted lucky who can learn from you.

Ah, yes....BTW congratulations for your ikkyu in the noryoku shiken....but even are not the only one.

Keep up the good work.

Wasabi said:
It seems that you are a very arrogant and shallow person and I am not honestly interested to keep up this conversation with you.

Ah yes, the "I'm Very Sorry for You" defense as it has been outlined by noted troll expert Sharp Phil.

Well, if you ever decide to back up your claims with things that can be proven, please let us know. Superior attitudes and snotty comments are plentiful on the internet. What are missing are facts and logic in so many of the arguments used by people like you.
Don, maybe you should post a translation of Yunoki-san's webpage, so others who are linguistically challenged (like myself) can see what you're talking about.

Don Roley said:
Oh, and did I mention that I speak and read Japanese at the highest level the Japanese goverment tests for? Care to show me independently verifiable proof that you or your teacher does so?

don, although i understand what you are tyring to say... i don't agree with how you use this statement. i speak a forgein language but that doesn't make me forgien. that just means i worked my butt off to learn the language. i don't see how you speaking japanese makes you an expert on japanese culture. i see that alot with other people were they try to use language as credentials. not trying to start anything but just thought i would point that out.

gio, if you are planning on stayin on this forum for some time then you will soon find out avoidance to a topic or questions won't work. its best to be honest and just admit to what you know/don't know. if you try to dance around the topic and use evansion...(although great strategy in combat) will only get you a bad rep. and not many will take you serious.
just my 2 cents on things...
Enson said:
don, although i understand what you are tyring to say... i don't agree with how you use this statement. i speak a forgein language but that doesn't make me forgien. that just means i worked my butt off to learn the language. i don't see how you speaking japanese makes you an expert on japanese culture. i see that alot with other people were they try to use language as credentials. not trying to start anything but just thought i would point that out.
Don was responding to Wasabi's jab at me, where he basically said I had no right to question his art because I wasn't fluent in Japanese. And, knowing the language may not make one an expert on culture, but I'm pretty sure the amount of time Don has spent living in Japan has given him a pretty good grasp of the culture.

Kreth said:
Don was responding to Wasabi's jab at me, where he basically said I had no right to question his art because I wasn't fluent in Japanese. And, knowing the language may not make one an expert on culture, but I'm pretty sure the amount of time Don has spent living in Japan has given him a pretty good grasp of the culture.

oh i completely agree with you. i know what he was trying to do i was just stating my opinion. my post was not ment to come off as any sort of attack. just stating that some people use their language/nationality as credentials.
peace in the middle east!

"Back up your claims with things that can be proven..." ??

I didn't know there was a Supreme Court...and maybe you are the judge ?? Who cares what you think anyway.....wanna have proves ??? Call up Yunoki San, or e-mail him...and ask....that's all.

All the best,
