Anyone else see/hear about this?


Master of Arts
Dec 17, 2009
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Quite the ruckus at Kukkiwon Executive Committee meeting! In which two men broke in violently, throwing garbage and a unidentified liquid throughout the room, yelling, insulting and even showing aggressive attitudes against members of the Executive Committee!
Via Totally Taekwondo Magazine:

"Thanks to the Korean information media MOOKAS, had access to the video that shows the incidents that took place within the walls of what is known as “The Mecca of World Taekwondo”.

Everything indicates that Daek.keun Kim, representative of the Citizen Association for an Honest Taekwondo, and Sang-Yong Hong, member of the Citizen Solidarity for the Future of Taekwondo, abruptly interrupted an extraordinary meeting of the Kukkiwon Executive Committeewhich continues without the figure of President, since Won-Sik Kang finalized his mandate a week ago, and apparently they have not reached an agreement on who will be his successor.

Kukkiwon was founded in 1972 as the Headquarters of Taekwondo, playing an important role in the development of this sport, but for several years it has gone through serious situations due to the differences existing with the WTF and the South Korean government, with which Kukkiwonhas had tax and fiscal problems.

This Thursday incident, in which two men broke in violently, throwing garbage and a unidentified liquid throughout the room, yelling, insulting and even showing aggressive attitudes against members of the Executive Committee clearly shows that the situation at Kukkiwon is far to be solved.

We must expect the consequences of this confrontation which do not help to improve the already deteriorated image of the” Mecca of World Taekwondo”."
Maybe there is a cultural difference...why doesn't anyone seem to call the police or security? Everyone seems content to let the 2 guys go on and on.
I'm a bit taken back by the lack of security as well Dan.. .

I admit I'm not super well informed on the political goings on at the Kukkiwon. I am not familiar with either of the two gentlemen who stormed in on the meeting. I really don't know what to make of it all. Either way, it looks like a lot of mud on the face of TKD.
Here is another snippet of info on the matter: [video][/video]

"Kim and Hong started to yell and requested the whole board to resign, claiming that “all of them were unscrupulous people who had abandoned their mates”. "

"...Apparently, after the mishap some Board members resigned, and IOC member Dae-Sung Moon being one of them. It seems that Moon even argued with the protestors, as Hong didn’t let him leave the room and Kim grabbed him by his neck saying he was “a man with no manners”."
Maybe there is a cultural difference...why doesn't anyone seem to call the police or security? Everyone seems content to let the 2 guys go on and on.

South Koreans have a "protest culture" where people act quite outrageously. I have witnessed incidents in Seoul.
I'm a bit taken back by the lack of security as well Dan.. .

When I visited Korea, I found it unusual that I could just walk in to the Kukkiwon, all the way around inside, walk in to offices to say hello to people - I could even have walked in the Kukkiwon President's office without having anyone stop me or ask who I was. There isn't a security gate or even a reception.

So I'm not surprised by the lack of security.

That said, I guess that it's normally not an issue for them so not worth the expense.
Thank you Mr. Jeffries, I have never had the opportunity to travel to Korea, so this is not something I'm familiar with. Very different coming from my cultural perspective.
Thank you Mr. Jeffries, I have never had the opportunity to travel to Korea, so this is not something I'm familiar with.

I've wanted to go since I started Taekwondo 27 years ago. I felt very lucky that I was invited by the Kukkiwon last year to attend the World Taekwondo Leaders Forum. I feel even luckier that I'm attending the Foreign Instructor Course this July (going to Korea twice in one year).

They do say that Korea has a crazy low crime rate and I must admit I felt incredibly safe last year, so that might be why they have a completely different view of security, particular for a building where most of the staff are high level martial artists :)

It was an amazing experience, it felt like I really was part of a family. Hearing about so many countries having political issues within Taekwondo, it was nice to be in an environment where there weren't any such issues - everyone just out to make friends and help everyone else.

Very different coming from my cultural perspective.

Mine too! I don't live in the slums, but I don't leave my door unlocked unless I'm going out again shortly after unlocking it and would never leave the house unlocked if no-one was home.
I cant help but wonder why no one was "hurt" during this incident. As a mate just said to me "if you stormed the world zendokai/muay thai headquarters VIOLENTLY, and began acting AGGRESIVELY toward members of the commitee, chances are your funeral would be held the next day". Why did the commitee (Im assuming high ranking tkdoin) just sit there and let two guys make a mockery of them?
The dynamics look like a situation where the aggressors are already known to the parties involved.

Note that the aggressors make little effort to physically hurt the other people, they seem more interested in causing a ruckus. The others make little attempt to stop the aggressors...and a whole bunch of bystanders are calmly pointing their phones/tablets at the mêlée rather than running for their life.

Rather than random thugs storming in off the street to hurt people, this looked more like someone known to everyone was losing it...

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As a mate just said to me "if you stormed the world zendokai/muay thai headquarters VIOLENTLY, and began acting AGGRESIVELY toward members of the commitee, chances are your funeral would be held the next day".

*giggles* - And theyd all be in jail the day after.
yes.....yes they would :) I would have thought though, that maybe a hapkido technique or two to subdue the guys while someone called the police may have been called for.

And theyd still have to justify it in court. I mean, i dunno what the SK legal systems like. Might be harsher than ours, might be softer. Id have liked it if they had some random folks in there trying to calm them down. No violence needed.

Optionally, i guess they could have had some old korean master start bellowing at them, then while they werent looking all the others could do flying jump spin hook kicks. Even if it failed miserably itd be absolutely amazingly hilarious. :D
And theyd still have to justify it in court. I mean, i dunno what the SK legal systems like. Might be harsher than ours, might be softer. Id have liked it if they had some random folks in there trying to calm them down. No violence needed.

Optionally, i guess they could have had some old korean master start bellowing at them, then while they werent looking all the others could do flying jump spin hook kicks. Even if it failed miserably itd be absolutely amazingly hilarious. :D
yes, it does sound like like it belongs in the plot of a corny martial arts film. The masters unleash a barrage of flying sidekicks and spinning kicks on the young punks who come into their dojang starting trouble :)
yes, it does sound like like it belongs in the plot of a corny martial arts film. The masters unleash a barrage of flying sidekicks and spinning kicks on the young punks who come into their dojang starting trouble :)

And it shall be called Revenge Master: Rise Of Kukkiwan. And it shall be poorly dubbed, covered in visual filters, and comprised almost entirely of slow motion fight scenes.
If it was (as it appears) people who know each other raising a fuss, then perhaps nobody felt threatened enough to resort to violence. Since nobody got hurt (so far as we know, at any rate) violence didn't seem to be needed.
And it shall be called Revenge Master: Rise Of Kukkiwan. And it shall be poorly dubbed, covered in visual filters, and comprised almost entirely of slow motion fight scenes.
with a fight chase scene running through the back alleys of seoul, culminating in the kkw masters taking on the entire itf organisation single handedly. Must be poorly dubbed though.
If it was (as it appears) people who know each other raising a fuss, then perhaps nobody felt threatened enough to resort to violence. Since nobody got hurt (so far as we know, at any rate) violence didn't seem to be needed.

Before 9/11 the strategy was to comply with hijackers. Seemed to work out for the best. Since then, particularly with the latest Ricin scares, someone enters a crowded rom with a bag full of unknown material and a jug full of an unknown liquid and is going to spread it throughout the room, ... this justifies serious actions by those being attacked. Perhaps in SK (how fortuneate for them) this new reality has not set in.