Anyone attending the WMAA camp in DE?



I am wondering how many out there are planning on attending the WMAA Camp in WIlmington, DE in Oct? Depending on my work schedule, I want to attend.
I really want to attend, it looks like it is going to be one informative weekend.
Originally posted by jsbelljr83
I am wondering how many out there are planning on attending the WMAA Camp in WIlmington, DE in Oct? Depending on my work schedule, I want to attend.

I plan on being there.

It would be nice to et lots of new people as well as old friend's there.

Does your Work Schedule rotate? Just curious.
It's not so much my schedule, but a job I have applied for. But more then likley I will attend, unless I get the new job and have to report to FLETC before then.
I am hoping to see a lot of new faces at the camp, Sal and I have tried to keep the costs down; the location is central, and the staff will be first rate. If anyone is sitting on the fence PM me and I will try to sell you on it.

PS jsbell; if you havent heard yet you will probably have decent lead time for a reporting date.
I really, really want to attend Chad, just depends on what happens with the job situation. The way it looks now, I am going. :)
While my schedule has me in Chicago that weekend, I'm sure Chad and his crew will put on a first rate event.

There are few martial artists with Chad's intellectual grasp on techniques and body alignment.

You will not be disaaspointed
The camp is approaching quickly and so are the dates for the discounts, so here is some info for those who wish to attend.

Cost for camp is $200.00 if registered by October 10th or $225.00 cash at the door.
WMAA member and group discounts are available.

Room rate of $59.00 per night when staying Friday and Saturday nights.
McIntosh Inn, Wilmington, DE 302-479-7900 mention group #1500
room rates are good until September 25th (rooms are limited)

For more info contact Sal Todaro [email protected]