Annoying Coworkers

John Brewer

Blue Belt
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
Has anyone ever had to work across from somone who talks just to hear themselves talk? I mean they have to know by the glazed look on your face or the fact that you nod in the wrong places that you're not really listening. Right?
This guy used to work in our plant who was just like that. After a while you just wanted to hit him over the head with a shovel.
I have people like that in my job, its funny its like they like to hear themselves, cause I am pretty sure they can tell my brain is on cruise control when they approach me.
Yes... and also school students (as opposed to TKD students). A lot of middle school students (especially the learning disabled students I teach) still think out loud, or read out loud to themselves (or both), or count out loud when doing math, and don't realize it... sometimes several at once. It can get very annoying after a while - on the other hand, I can at least tell if they're working by what they say to themselves!
Heh, I can one up that, sorta. I used to work with someone similar, who just wouldn't get it that you weren't listening. Difference is he would be 1/2 way across the room with 10 or so people in between, so EVERYONE had to practice non-listening with him. LOL. :D
i have one who thinks i want to hear all about her sex life...and we work at a day care and she talks about it infront of the children its rather bad
They use assign me with this partner that besides non-stop talking he would get LOUDER as the day went on...I had to beg my Sgt not to put me with him...His answer was "everybody" had to take their turn...
I once worked across from one of these kinds of guys for several years. I eventually got layed off and I was HAPPY about it! :)
Crane557 said:
Has anyone ever had to work across from somone who talks just to hear themselves talk? I mean they have to know by the glazed look on your face or the fact that you nod in the wrong places that you're not really listening. Right?

I have worked with those that just talk on and on.

I have worked with those that are tone deaf and speak into a phone loud enough that anyone in 25 feet of them knows how much money they have in theri retirement account and where the investiments are.

I have worked with those that insist on using speaker phones in the middle of a cube farm.

I have worked with those that will walk into your cube while they are on the phone and start talking louder.

Most cases I ignore them.

In some cases I make lots of noise right back at them. I have walked into a meeting one with my phone on speaker, as those that were stepping out of the meeting where either using two way or talking loud. Some did not like the way I handled it, but other thought I made my point quite clear.

Sometimes people buy the clue, other times even if you give it to them real cheap or make them buy it for a lot they do nto understand what you have sold them.

Good Luck
Well it's become apparent that at least I'm not the only one with this problem. This guy talks about everyone, and none of it's good. He is even pretty bigoted, you know a lot of "those people" etc. One time I heard him talk himself out of a for sure sale. Well thanks and feel free to keep it going. Maybe tomorrow I'll post about what he's saying while he's saying it. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

BrandiJo said:
i have one who thinks i want to hear all about her sex life...and we work at a day care and she talks about it infront of the children its rather bad

Lol, I knew someone like that in college, wow that chick simply wouldnt get it. No one gave a damn about her personal issues.