And just like that, gone...

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Senior Master
Sep 25, 2006
Reaction score
Stevenage, Herts, UK
KarateMomUSA seems to have disappeared. There was a lot of speculation (and I was involved in some of it) wondering whether it was George Vitale after Puunui mentioned it. Then the account was under review and she/he has not come forward with ID to prove ownership and re-open the account.

Just sayin'...
I wish he/she would do whatever is necessary to come back. Karatemom served as counterbalance on the forum, albeit sometimes in a very extreme way.
I have been around here long enough to know when they won';t show, that means they are who people thought they was.
I have been around here long enough to know when they won';t show, that means they are who people thought they was.

It would have been interesting to continue to have someone around who is part of the NK ITF, if indeed that description fit karatemomUSA.
I've always believed that you should only act/write/say things that you wouldn't mind if anyone else knew you did/said...not far from a definition of integrity. I think that using your own name makes you more likely to be polite and humble rather than irresponsible or inflammatory.

It was clear that "KarateMom" was knowledgeable. It's unfortunate that that person evidently didn't feel comfortable having his/her name associated with his/her words here. If you won't stand behind what you say, why should I accept your word?
In fairness, most of the posters here use cutsey nicknames and do not sign their posts with their name. I still don't really know who Puunui is, though apparently a number of people do. I only know that his name is Glenn because he was addressed as so by some who knew who he was. The only reason that I know he runs a website is because of the tiff he and Chris are having. And that's alright; I'm not complaining.

I don't personally care if someone doesn't use their actual name.

But if you are asked if you are a specific person who happens to be either a published author or in this case, a noted TKD historian, then you should confirm or deny. I think that the thing that bothered most of us was that George (?) was posting as 'karatemom' which give the impression that we were conversing with a female parent and were refering to him as 'she'. It was kind of annyoing that karatemom would not confirm being a man or a woman.

I wonder how many would confirm/state their real world name if asked?...

For the record, my real name is Andy Jeffries :)

Would it make a true difference? I would guess the majority of us are not 'famous' and stating our real names would serve little utility. I'm from the school of thought that your posts should speak for themselves on their own merits. Over time, people will inevitably know whether your thoughts have substance to them or not.

Incidentally, you don't have to give out your real name for people to find you out. I do not list my name myself, but I guess I've given enough personal information over the years to where more than one person has asked me in person if I am 'dancingalone' on MT. I've even had a prospective student inquire once.
Any of us who post with frequency on more than one forum are likely to be recognized. K-mom's posts are very similar to posts by another individual (who also declined to reveal their name when asked by another poster) on another site. Are they the same person? I suspect that they are, but I don't really care. It is a person's right to keep their name anonymous. I used to post here as Celtic Tiger, but requested the name change to my real name because I simply felt that it was appropriate.

Well I am who it say I am, I do not need to hide because my parents gave me this wonderful name.Beside why hide if you are confident about your passion and believe in what your instructor have said, stand tall and speak loud. Remember nobody is wrong and everybody is right because we have to many varible's inside TKD.
Daniel, you're right many of us use "cutsie nicknames". I have a problem with it though when it is deliberately miss-leading.
I'm not saying you need to use your real name to be credible, but it's important to understand how communicating on an internet or other print-only forum is different from talking in-person where you can use many visual and auditory clues to evaluate what someone says.

Credibility is earned largely by building a history of knowing what you are talking about and making useful contributions, but changing your story, giving false information, talking about subjects beyond your knowledge, or showing bias without owning it lead people to question the value of what you share.

The title of this thread could just as easily apply to credibility.
Would it make a true difference? I would guess the majority of us are not 'famous' and stating our real names would serve little utility.

True, but there may be names recognised which can help with a sense of familiarity.

I'm from the school of thought that your posts should speak for themselves on their own merits. Over time, people will inevitably know whether your thoughts have substance to them or not.

True but seeing people's real names (or at least being able to easily find them out) can cut through that "over time" to be able to give you a head start in judging their posts.
Hey there, I know i don't really "belong" in KMA forum, but you guys have been having a really interesting discussion so I thought I'd pitch in my 2 cents.

Personally, I didn't use my real name and didn't feel comfortable for a while telling anyone for one particular reason.

If I make a huge mistake or act like a jackass unintentionally then that's out there on the net for everyone to see and if things are read out of context I would sound like a real tool.

When I joined MT, I was really upset about what some people were saying about my teachers and I responded with poorly constructed arguements based on my own misperceptions of what was going on. What I should have done was simply explained to my teachers that some people were saying some stuff that I felt needed to be addressed (eventually one of my teachers did come to MT just to clear up a few things).

If I had posted my real name, then anyone who did a google search for me would come up with these old posts that make me look uneducated on martial arts and I would not seem like a person worth being around.

Obviously a lot has changed since 2006 or whenever I first started posting, and I'm now comfortable to tell people who I am if they ask.

But until they do, I'm quite happy pretending to be a japanese fictional swordsman :wink1:
True, but there may be names recognised which can help with a sense of familiarity.

True but seeing people's real names (or at least being able to easily find them out) can cut through that "over time" to be able to give you a head start in judging their posts.

<shrugs> I have the same general good predisposition to Daniel Sullivan's posts now that he uses his name for his handle as I did when he went by "Celtic Tiger". There was also a formerly active member named "Exile". I made sure I read everything he wrote even before he become a moderator and started including his full name in any moderator actions. I also enjoy most posts from StudentCarl or puunui for that matter, even if I don't always necessarily agree with their content.

A real name on MT doesn't matter to me. I won't ever meet 99% of the people here in person. I'm more interested in the content of the message than the message bearer himself.
I wonder how many would confirm/state their real world name if asked?...

For the record, my real name is Andy Jeffries :)

For the recordo too, my name is Manuel aka Manny I think is understood if you want to know my last name just ask, you already know me because I have a photo albun here in MT and even I posted a video of me doing kyompa.

I wonder how many would confirm/state their real world name if asked?...

For the record, my real name is Andy Jeffries :)

I would be uncomfortable sharing my personal information publically as I notice that no one from my school, or any other schools in my region post on public forums. There must be a reason, no one ever told me to watch what I say but I don't want to appear as though I am a spokesperson for my style/organization/school as I clearly don't hold enough rank or experience to represent them here. I just like to check in and learn tidbits of info here & there.
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