All Air Travellers to be Fitted with Tazer Bracelets?


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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Somehow I woke up and found myself in the Twilight Zone. Are we really going to put tazer bracelets on all air travel passengers? At the very least, we are conditioning people to accept RFID chips, full body scans, and all kinds of crazy things.

Here's more information on these things...

The tazer function is clearly a paramount function of these bracelets despite what the talking heads say.
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A happy turn of circumstance it is indeed that I've done all the air travel I ever again intend to in my life. And just as well--for if I hadn't been finished, I damnsure would be now.

The only way to be part of the solution is to not be part of the problem. If it is too far to drive--I won't go.
"Well look, first of all, flying is not a right, it's a privelege."

That, that pretty much say everything right there.

So sad.
"Well look, first of all, flying is not a right, it's a privelege."

That, that pretty much say everything right there.

So sad.

If every carrier is forced to make passengers wear those things, is it simply so easy to say don't fly? We never had a choice in the first place. Considering the dangers involved (minuscule) it would seem to make sense to give people a choice to fly on carriers that required their passengers to wear those things. That is, unless, we are being forced (possibly?) to wear them for other reasons...
-Man, thats 1500 miles between Denver and Rochester, NY! I did make the drive from NY to CO in 2 days but that was bordering on suicidal. I guess we can vote with our wallets and pocketbooks. All there has to be is one airline who won't do the bracelets (assuming the gov't doesn't mandate it for all) and that airline will be very busy. Frankly, I would like to visit family and friends without all this b.s. The Gov't sucks.

If every carrier is forced to make passengers wear those things, is it simply so easy to say don't fly? We never had a choice in the first place. Considering the dangers involved (minuscule) it would seem to make sense to give people a choice to fly on carriers that required their passengers to wear those things. That is, unless, we are being forced (possibly?) to wear them for other reasons...

I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say here. My comment was only relating to the fact that now flying is something to be considered a privilege. I had thought that is was a private contract between an individual and a commercial business. Guess I was wrong.

Wonder what else the government is going to start considering a privilege....
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say here. My comment was only relating to the fact that now flying is something to be considered a privilege. I had thought that is was a private contract between an individual and a commercial business. Guess I was wrong.

Wonder what else the government is going to start considering a privilege....

Oh, I get it now, thanks for the clarification. If it was a contract between an individual and a business, we could possibly have contracts drawn up where some of these things that are considered over the top by many could be left out. My point is that these top down fear mongering regulations take that choice away and we are left with accepting all of it or not flying. That's not fair. I shouldn't have to stick a tazer bracelet on my five year old.
First aircraft and eventually everyday life. It's not that far-fetched if you think about it...

In the clip other "applications" were mentioned.

Consider all the rights "we" have already given up for the sake of feeling more secure and it's really not much of a leap.

Who knows... a few years from now it could become a right of passage for kids to be fitted with their first tazer bracelet. Hey... it would solve a lot of discipline problems in the school system... :rolleyes:

"Fear is the mind killer..."
Awesome! An excuse not to visit my in-laws! Woohoo!!!
Who knows... a few years from now it could become a right of passage for kids to be fitted with their first tazer bracelet. Hey... it would solve a lot of discipline problems in the school system... :rolleyes:

"Fear is the mind killer..."

This is the only advantage I can see to this device. Of course, I'm one of the few adults left in American who believes that children grow strong with the kiss of the lash upon their backs...
"Well look, first of all, flying is not a right, it's a privelege."

That, that pretty much say everything right there.

So sad.

It's also a voluntary transaction with other alternatives. If the airlines try this, the industry will die. Few people would accept this and nobody is going to allow them to put these on their children.
It is not something I would allow on me, or my family, and it is something I pray does not happen! I can see putting an RFID in ticket, as well as in the luggage tags, that would be very beneficial, but not on my body or via a bracelet.

The second clip says that most people would probably allow it, but I wonder who they talked to!? People I've shared this with say NO WAY, 100% of the time!????

Stay safe!
If that happened, someone is going to find a way to remotely take control of those bracelets.

Homeland Security (yes, I know they're reading this) is another step into over-militarizing American Society and normalizing a draconian way of life.

I'd protest that, and would refuse one of those bracelets after purchasing a ticket. If I go to jail for it, then so be it. I was not born to wear a leash, even a government-sanctioned one.
If that happened, someone is going to find a way to remotely take control of those bracelets.

Homeland Security (yes, I know they're reading this) is another step into over-militarizing American Society and normalizing a draconian way of life.

I'd protest that, and would refuse one of those bracelets after purchasing a ticket. If I go to jail for it, then so be it. I was not born to wear a leash, even a government-sanctioned one.

I concur.
Well, that should pretty much finish off the commercial airline industry. I sure won't be flying.
Sometimes, you have to fly. Like me, if I want to visit my family or get off this island in any way, I've got to board an airplane. The airline industries got rid of the Superferry because it competed with them for interisland travel and they don't have cruise liners that travel back and forth to the mainland or anywhere else. My hope is that we won't just refuse to get an airplane in response to this. I think we all need to make it known that this violation of our rights is going way to far.

The truth is that all of these technologies are being beta tested by the government for more then just airlines. You're going to have them in malls, schools, universities, other public places, anything that could be considered a "soft target" because this really isn't about safety. It's about some kind of freakish level of control.

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