Age of a Master

  • Thread starter FasterthanDeath
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Deflecting_the_Storm said:
I am responding to this post if light of my friend because he is no longer posting on the website due to legal reasons from another thread, (I dont want to mention because of legal reasons as well!) But what he was trying to say was that around here where we live many people are not Realistic in their training of people. Alot of people are taught a few moves here and there and go out and sell to people self defense when it is not proven and/or not scientifically sound. Alot of people laugh at you when you try to improve things or change them, but noone wants to listen. They dont even take the time to hear them out. So now you have tons of people teaching unknown things calling it self defense and giving people False hope. Now as far as being a self-proclaimed Master, He never proclaimed himself, he was just called that once and then people began to use that against him. And I really dont think he was trying to teach you anything about life, I think he was talking about the art itself. And who knows what a young person can teach you about life, if you are not willing to listen to what they have to say you may be missing out on something that could either further your understanding of life, or it could be just babbling of a young immature boy. But how would you know if you didnt listen? You have already made up your mind about what you are going to do. Isnt that a little closed minded? He and I are both frustrated about how the politics of MA have taken over rather than just the teaching and the learning. So much that he decided to post how he felt on the forums and take his chances with everyone. Of course it didnt come out the way he wanted it too but I told him there really is not point in fighting it. People will teach what they want to teach even if its not right. By the way he has learned many MA including Kenpo, Wing Chun, San Shou, and Ju-jitsu. But he sticks with the Chinese Arts. He likes them better. I believe his Teacher's name is James Hurang(I dont know if I spelled it right!) But he learned all it all from private instruction. The man lived in Dallas, Tx and had a school in the late 70's but got out of it due to pressure from his community because he taught little children lethal techniques. Or thats what I have been told by him. I have met the man and he is very knowledgable and is very quick for being so old! So I hope this clears up what he was trying to say, I dont think he can post how he wants to say things. You just have to talk to him face to face and it sounds differently. I know he has a black belt in Kenpo but dont know through which family tree, and I know in Wing Chun, and San Shou he is a red sash and senior, In ju-jitsu he is a 2nd black belt and he does have other MA experience but you would have to ask him. Although its kind a hard, he doesnt even post on here let alone come to the site anymore. But I will ask him if you want me too. By the way I saw you in the Kenpo forum, maybe you can answer this for me, Why the dislike/seperation of the Parker/Tracy kenpo?
That's a lot of black belts and red senior grades for a 23 year old! Oh well.

Why the separation between Parker and Tracy? I don't study either style, but near as I can make out it has something to do with the Tracys staying with a form of kenpo that Parker no longer taught. Parker continued to change kenpo and the Tracys were happy with what they had learned. But I would have to defer to someone from those schools that knows better than me.
Deflecting_the_Storm said:
I am responding to this post if light of my friend because he is no longer posting on the website due to legal reasons from another thread, (I dont want to mention because of legal reasons as well!)


Anyway, say hi to your "friend" for me. Tell him I ws really dissapointed that we couldn't meet at that tournament in Chicago a while back...
