Advanced Kenpo Techniques...

Just for that, Kirk, I will not be sending you the gift certificate to Victoria's Secret or Frederick's of Hollywood for Christmas. You will have to pay for your own frilly underwear!

This coming from the man who digs his spent qualification bullets out of the backstop to re-use them....................




What have you got to lose??

We'll (well Seig's the epicurean chef) fix you a country ham & french "Leur style" sloppy WAFFLE breakfast.:rofl:
Originally posted by Seig

Just for that, Kirk, I will not be sending you the gift certificate to Victoria's Secret or Frederick's of Hollywood for Christmas. You will have to pay for your own frilly underwear!:miffer:

Good, send me the catalog!:D
Originally posted by Seig

That and a cold beer would kill you!:rofl:

What a way to go, and, some chinese food with it!:cool: