a wise wife


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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My wife has followed me in TKD since we were boyfriends, she saw me in my highs and in my lows for example when I need surgery for my broken theets and nose, when I got a torn tendon in my foot and couldn't walk.

Wife knows what I am going trough with the issue with my feet, and talking with her about stay away of TKD or quit it to do something else like aikido classes, seriusly told me yestarday: Honney you don't need to quit TKD because your healt issues (feet), you don't need to experiment with another MA like aikido or judo, you are a kicker/striker, that's where you are best in!! Don't fool youself, get your feet better, fix your problems and stay in TKD that is what you do the best no matter your kicks are not so high, no matter you are not so quick. It's better to seek perfection in what you already know than trying to be perfect in other fileds (MA fields).

In other words she told me be the best I can in TKD and not foolling around or trying to be a master on two or three things at the same time.

So I need to be less emotional and take what it is, be calm and try to do what I can with what I have.

Did you read this before posting?

English is not Manny's primary language. He is from Mexico. His English is much better than my Spanish. I have always been impressed with Manny's courage and he is one of the most popular posters on the TKD Forum.
Manny's English is better than my Spanish...and I speak both languages every day at work.

You have a wise wife Manny, and I love reading your stories. :asian:
It's the boyfriends thing; sorry. I guess I am the only one who is wondering if that was a typo.... Never mind.
It's the boyfriends thing; sorry. I guess I am the only one who is wondering if that was a typo.... Never mind.

Oh I see. Sorry for the missunderstanding, the fact is here in Mexico when a boy wants a girl to be somenthing else than just friends he ask her to be NOVIOS the translation will be boyfriends in plural.

I think fiances are the person who are going to be marry.

Patty was my girlfriend before to be my fiance and then my wife.

Manny, I bow in respect to your wife. You are blessed to have a life partner who not only knows you well but supports what is best for you. I hope you follow her advice.

Oh I see. Sorry for the missunderstanding, the fact is here in Mexico when a boy wants a girl to be somenthing else than just friends he ask her to be NOVIOS the translation will be boyfriends in plural.

I think fiances are the person who are going to be marry.

Patty was my girlfriend before to be my fiance and then my wife.

The catch is that in Spanish, if the group is mixed, the plural becomes masculine. Only if it was all girls would you say "novias". In English, we'd use a word like dating or going out -- or the ugly combination word "boyfriend/girlfriend." It's a minor point... though it is a funny slip if you've got a juvenile sense of humor.

Your wife gave you great advice, and I think you've already got approach to maintaining your training as you heal.

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