A topic to ponder

I always say my history with MA's goes back 20 some odd years. training off and on since the mid to late '80's. Even when I wasn't in classes, i was researching, studying history, trying out free classes/seminars whenever possible. I think that's a more honest way instead of saying I've got 25 years under my belt. When pressed, I can try to lay out what i did when, but it gets a bit convoluted after awhile.

How does someone like me answer the question of how long have you trained without being dishonest and without degrading legitimate training?


Well, when queried about stuff I have done , I say "I dabble".

I have a first Dan in Ju Jitsu thru the USJA Ju Jitsu Division. This was achieved by starting with some Judo in 1971, and then hooking up with a good Ju Jitsu man in 1975 who became chairman of the USJA Ju Jitsu division and training with him to supplement TKD striking skills with grapplinmg skills. After about 15 + years of this he said to a bunch of us TKD guys who were doing this that our striking was generaly superior to his Ju Jitsu students striking, and we knew 80% of his grappling curriculum. (We had concentrated on more fundamental SD stuff and not some of the more traditional variations. ) So he suggested that we buckle down and get the remaining 20% of the grappling down which we did. I also spent 2 years at a traditional TKD / Hapkido school. (1975-77)The Hapkido was similar in many ways for the falling and joint locks of Judo and Ju Jitsu . I also rounded out the Ju Jitsu and Hapkido classes with seminars and workshops.

So, If people as about my Ju Jitsu and Hapkido background I jsut tell them "I dabble".
My slant... My argument... Less moderate.... Are you going to do this everytime I post? I like KKW! You don't! I get it. can we move on?

I like the KKW fine. I just don't think it's the only game in town. It's Olympic rules sparring as is that I don't like.

But if you're asking that I drop this line of discussion, I will. Until the next time, I see a XXX is the best org in the whole world thread. And that includes the ITF or ATA or whatever. I'm an equal opportunity poster.
See to me teaching is a componet but to stay shape one needs to actually workout with the very stuff they are teaching. How can you expect students to continue to devolope there skills if you are not willing to do the same. I mean how much does one really do during a class when they have two or three senior members doing the demonstration for them and they fine tune the person. I believe one must have two to three days a week being tought by someone.
At what point do you think that one teaches oneself?

That should be an ongoing thing, we should always be teaching ourself what our bady can and cannot do. I believe you need someone to help with techniques we cannot see all but we tend to believe we do.
I like the KKW fine. I just don't think it's the only game in town. It's Olympic rules sparring as is that I don't like.

But if you're asking that I drop this line of discussion, I will. Until the next time, I see a XXX is the best org in the whole world thread. And that includes the ITF or ATA or whatever. I'm an equal opportunity poster.

And agian, never said XXX was the best... But I'm glad that you have appointed yourself to that position. It seems to suit you well. Good luck with that.
And agian, never said XXX was the best... But I'm glad that you have appointed yourself to that position. It seems to suit you well. Good luck with that.

NPTKD, I thought you wanted to let things rest? Anyone reading that thread along with knows exactly what I am talking about. I really don't want to revisit it again, so I won't bother quoting you (I could if we're really bored, so maybe we can save it for a rainy day). Do you really want to go there again?
NPTKD, I thought you wanted to let things rest? Anyone reading that thread along with knows exactly what I am talking about. I really don't want to revisit it again, so I won't bother quoting you (I could if we're really bored, so maybe we can save it for a rainy day). Do you really want to go there again?

Play time, anyone?
back to the thread, when you practice ( anyone) are you trying new things. I saw a page on the French union web site that had all of thier self defense moves for 1st- 4th dan. simple but good moves.
back to the thread, when you practice ( anyone) are you trying new things. I saw a page on the French union web site that had all of thier self defense moves for 1st- 4th dan. simple but good moves.

I'm game....

link link link
back to the thread, when you practice ( anyone) are you trying new things. I saw a page on the French union web site that had all of thier self defense moves for 1st- 4th dan. simple but good moves.

These are solid techniques. My only comment would be why is this material considered 1st-4th dan material? Colored belts should be introduced to them as early as 6-7 gup.
These are solid techniques. My only comment would be why is this material considered 1st-4th dan material? Colored belts should be introduced to them as early as 6-7 gup.

Good question? Some of then are similar to ours for gup level. I just ran across them playing around on sites. I just thought I would share.

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