A Salute to MA'ers everywhere


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Martial Arts have been around as long as we can remember and with that being said, I would like to take some time and salute my fellow MA'ers.

We are just a drop of water in the sea of life but yet we touch so many.

We have always been proud of our teaching and that in itself is what lets us give so freely.

One person cannot change the world but one true MA'ist can change the outcome of so many.

We train for decade so we do not have to fight, but yet we fight to be placed in our linage.

People come and people go but the true stay forever.

We are mainly in it for self worth but self worth comes with a price, the price that could never be measure in gold and money, but be measure by one integrity in life.

Society in itself has tried to destroy Martial Artist by only printing the bad things that happens in towns and city, what society does not print is the hours of community service we all do outside the dojaang. The hours helping at the shelters and hospitals along with picking up those very same people that condems us for what we do, trash they throw out there cars.

I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU all the Martial Artist of the world for being there for so many and not asking for recognition in return. I will always be able to say that I have trained with some of the very best in the world at being humble to there Arts, to you I bow:asian:.

The unsong heros of Martial Arts.

One could never say enough, I only write this for a parent said thank you for me being there at there deepest time of need, maybe not word for word but the meaning is the same. Sometimes in life we must loose what is so dear before we say thank you. So I decided to say it now instead of later.

Thank you Terry, that is a very nice gesture you have put forward. I would train with you any day.

Thanks Terry. Your feelings are accepted and returned in the spirit they're given. :asian:
Thanks - and right back at you! As you say, too often only the bad is reported (about many activities), and the good that goes on out of the limelight must be celebrated, and reported, as well.

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