A sad day in Virginia


MTS Alumni
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
79 Wistful Vista
On saturday, May 10th in Christiansburg, Virginia a city of C'burg police officer was beaten and then shot with his own sidearm. A Montgomery county deputy was also wounded during the incident. The dirt bag who did this was killed by officers arriving on the scene. This officer lost his life over a pack of cigarettes. Yes, a $3.00 pack of smokes. The dirt bag had shoplifted the smokes at a local convenience store, the clerk had called the police after he left the store and the officer had responded to the call. The officer saw the shoplifter a few blocks from the store, pulled in to interview him and was beaten and shot. Officer Hylton was 43 years old and left behind a widow and 4 children.

This entire incident has really gotten me to thinking about how much I take law enforcement for granted. I have several friends and even an ex-brother in law who are police officers and can't remember the last time I said "thanks for doing what you do". Well, here is where I do that.

To all of the members on this board who put their lives on the line every day for folks like me.... Thank you :asian: . It is because of people like you that I can hit the road every night and not have to worry about my family. It is because of people like you that I can drive 450 miles a night and not have to worry about lawlessness on the road. No, I'm not so naive as to believe that I live in a perfect world. Quite frankly, the world is screwed up beyond belief but I shudder to think what it would be like with out those of you who are willing to step into a uniform every day, put your butt on the line and be cussed, spit on and disrespected on a regular basis. I wouldn't do it. But I'm damn glad there are those that do.

Again, thank you all very much. You have my utmost respect.:asian: