A real practitioner or a con?

well something rather unexpected happened, it seems that i have witnessed some Wc by Mr JC that wasn't satisfactory for me personally ... met the guy and then after about 35 minutes of him explaining sil lim tao the whole thing he had completely ruined it for me... This guy had a student .. a jujitsu national champ at first he was nice but when i wanted to ask a little about anything "Mr.JC" said he would take offense ... when i asked JC to show me how to spar the jujitsu champ guy took offense again and got heated up .... when i was leaving he caught up and threw his fist at me from the side ... i side stepped and started looking for the bridge ...he was fast and well i feel like that attack was pathetic but he was coming strong ... kept deflecting and when i moved in he realised the move and had good reflexes .,.. then i slowly started punching and defending at the same time .. got a couple of hits in that hit the spot and he felt them for sure ... but then he swept and i was barely managed to stay up he was already up on his feet and my leg was hurting a bit and then i realised his leg muscles and elbows have been drillled to frickin oblivion... soon it was a game of staying away from his dangerous attacks while counter attacking ... and this guy is fast too...some guy shouts at the opposite side of the road with a phone in his hand he says he's calling the police and this guy runs away... Also i think i need to train more because i was unsure of how the fight would have ended ... Any excercises that would help me train for something like this would be greatly welcome because the guy shouted it isn't over while running away. Who imagined this would happen bah. Well atleast i held my own for a while.

I've got to prepare incase this guy is as crazy as he seemed and comes after me again. It was intense and fun though =p
Dude that's crazy. These guys sound like world-class clowns. And douchebags.

Based on your OP, I figured he was probably just a harmless idiot, but apparently he's a dangerous criminal idiot.

Glad you made it out of there in one piece.
How does one prepare for something like this???

Double post sorry.

A. Talk to the police.

B. Be armed.

C. Train. (with real instructors in a real art. Make sure they're cool)

D. Don't worry too much. Stay alert, but stay calm, relaxed, and go about your business.

Do those 4 things & you'll be totally prepared if these clowns return, or if you happen to encounter similar idiots.
This ****'s insane and what retard shouts it isn't over while running away ... damn i need to prepare incase something like this happnens again. What if i get blind sided while shopping for shoes i certainly didnt go there to make an enemy. 22 year old ****er with the mind of a 15 year old who thinks he's mojo jojo.
This ****'s insane and what retard shouts it isn't over while running away ... damn i need to prepare incase something like this happnens again. What if i get blind sided while shopping for shoes i certainly didnt go there to make an enemy.

Yeah you totally do need to prepare. If I was you, I would seriously do thse 4 things in that exact order, ASAP.

Especially talking to the cops....right now.
Yeah ... well ... I dunno if i should cry wolf before it happens again but i still need to defend myself against htis particular type of MA.
Not sure i get what happened??

You met this guy who was maybe going to teach you WC.
He came and bought a student with him.
You all chatted, you were not that impressed by the answers to your questions and student gets a little hot under the collar.
You walked away and student follows you and assults you?
Where is the Instructor in all this?

Confused from Jersey ;-)
I was right outside the gym i was called to when it happened ...yeah its like you couldn't question the instructor or mr jujitsu would get all Steamy and agressive... i was very surprised when he attacked me... the instructor was either inside or had left i hadn't noticed while changing back to my street clothes. when i talked to the guy with the phone afterwards he told me he was the owner of the sports shop across the street. he said the jujitsu guy was really hot headed and this wasn't the first time something like this happened...the details of the fight from beginning to end are in the post above. Hope that clears a few things bully :)
Dude, that's not a fight. That's an assault. You need to seriously consider taking legal action. I'm not saying it's the thing to do, but it's definitely the thing to consider.

the guy with the phone saw the whole thing ... he said he was willing to talk to anyone if something like this happened again or if i needed him to ... but i still think i need to train harder.
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Not sure i get what happened??

You met this guy who was maybe going to teach you WC.
He came and bought a student with him.
You all chatted, you were not that impressed by the answers to your questions and student gets a little hot under the collar.
You walked away and student follows you and assults you?
Where is the Instructor in all this?

Confused from Jersey ;-)
Well now that i've put what happened into words ... i think events willl be simpler to understand if put like this.
i didn't exactly portray that some of the things Mr JC the instructor said had left me confused because the two times i tried to ask about them his student whose picture was hanging on the wall above a golden trophy that said jujitsu pk punjab division 2010 kept getting heated up but in the end of the trial class i told them that it was a fun class before leaving ... after which i went to change my clothes and had crossed the gym door and was effectively off the premesis when the student blind sided me but got my shoulder which was rather lucky for me ... then i tried not to give him room and kept control of the centreline since he was close enough ... i took every opening that presented itself and got two clean hits in one in the lower chest and the other in neck which sorta dazed him but he replied with that strong sweep kick so instantaneously that it took me off guard ...i believe if i had stepped forward quickly enough that particular kick would've missed me and i would have had him kneeling in front of me .. after that i was trying to constantly keep him in check and stopping his advances while advancing myself i got him on the arms a few times and managed to deflect and parry most of his attacks and he hadn't got any clean hits in so far then the sports shop owner shouted from across the street. I posted rashly before i think i hadn't put the event into words at that point. Well this is the point where i stop wasting my time on words and start training.
You expect me to believe that you, with little to no martial arts training, beat a jujitsu national champ???

This story is too ridiculous to be true.
i didn't beat him, infact im glad that someone was responsible enough to stop the whole thing ... the guy got me good in the left leg ... and his elbows hurt like hell ... I did not beat him ... hardly the case. I'm saying i feel a little proud that the little training i have proved to be enough that i could atleast stand up to him and respond until the situation was resolved somehow. Its true jeez. Thats why for the past forty minutes i've been training and will continue to do so for as long as i can today. Where you see a made up story i see a real threat ... why the **** was the guy so angry that he suddenly attacked me ? i wouldn't have a clue , do i think it'll happen again ... i dunno ... should i train for it ... yes.
i did not at any moment be agressive or offend in any way infact i contacted the JJ/WC teacher and told him that i will no longer be attending his school due to unforseen circumstances and that i wish him the best of luck.

here's the proof...

well it doesn't really bother me ... just something that happened and im glad it happened it was an eye opener. i'm not really gonna worry about it too much though just gonna focus on training.
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Well Faisal, had you been training with a real WC Sifu this past month and a half instead of conversing with us on the forum, you most likely would have faired much better in this encounter. If you'd have been more aggressive or hit the guy in the face or throat, rather than the chest (as you said) he would probably have gone down and the attack would have been over. Or just constantly battle punch your way in and use the punches to deflect his attacks. But glad to see you came out not too badly hurt.

So did this guy running the school show you any WC?
Well Faisal, had you been training with a real WC Sifu this past month and a half instead of conversing with us on the forum, you most likely would have faired much better in this encounter. If you'd have been more aggressive or hit the guy in the face or throat, rather than the chest (as you said) he would probably have gone down and the attack would have been over. Or just constantly battle punch your way in and use the punches to deflect his attacks. But glad to see you came out not too badly hurt.

So did this guy running the school show you any WC?

He showed me the entire sil lim tao form but divided it into three sections and then explained most of it...started off with a punch then came the slow tan sao motion and so on ... It was pretty much the same except When stanced i ended up leaning back.

i shouldv'e been more agressive and attacking the opp's weak spots ...Thats good advice ...Mr.z i gained some experience so it was worth it...if this happens again ill be prepared. What i learned here on these forums was what saved me things might have been worse if i didnt know how to tan though but can you tell me how things work with the upper triangle when the opp gets really close?
He showed me the entire sil lim tao form but divided it into three sections and then explained most of it...started off with a punch then came the slow tan sao motion and so on ... It was pretty much the same except When stanced i ended up leaning back.

i shouldv'e been more agressive and attacking the opp's weak spots ...Thats good advice ...Mr.z i gained some experience so it was worth it...if this happens again ill be prepared. What i learned here on these forums was what saved me things might have been worse if i didnt know how to tan though but can you tell me how things work with the upper triangle when the opp gets really close?


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