A Martial Art - Ip Chun

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate

A martial art without principle and philosophy is just like a person without a brain. You may still be able to move and eat, but you have no spirit or feeling and cannot tell right from wrong

-- Ip Chun

A true martial art must cover internal and external training so that you can contiinue to practice as you get older. You should be able to practice until you are sixty, seventy or even eighty. Martial arts are not just for the young a strong. They should be suitable even for those who are small and weak.

--Ip Chun

I absolutely agree with the second part. The single best martial arts quote I've ever heard was from an old Kendoka:

Sooner or later you lose your speed, you lose your strength, and everyone knows your tricks. Then you find out if you're any damned good or not.

The first one? Well, yes but. A person without a strong ethical or moral center is a monster. If he doesn't have one the martial art needs to provide or require training so that he will not become amoral and more dangerous. If he has a good sense of right and wrong there's no need to pull it out and install a new one.
I agree with both quotes Xue Sheng.

Tellner...very good quote and so true.
A true martial art must cover internal and external training so that you can contiinue to practice as you get older. You should be able to practice until you are sixty, seventy or even eighty. Martial arts are not just for the young a strong. They should be suitable even for those who are small and weak.

--Ip Chun

Man!! You guys are supporting my instructor's viewpoint that I HAVE to do Tai Chi!!! ;)

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