A Martial Art for someone with limited mobility?



I'm looking for a little advice. My husband, JeffJ, has limited mobility in his left hip, and it's getting worse. He will probably have to stop the training he is currently doing in Japanese Jujitsu and Brazilian Jui Jitsu. I suspect his VA doctor has already told him he should. We've been looking around locally for Tai Chi and other arts that would be gentler on him to no avail. Mainly Karate and TKD where we are. As much as I don't like the idea, anyone know of any "distance learning" programs in arts that might be good for someone in this situation? Preferably with seminar support. I know he's just recently started looking into Systema, but neither of us know much about it except whats on the websites.
So what does the hip injury prevent you from doing? I an see where the crouching motions or flexing motion that the JJJ or BJJ styles could be a problem. I guessing kicking is somewhat out the window.... is it?

Wing Chun would seem likely, every consider that? I'm also thinking boxing, but it depends on the ability of the hips to move laterally to put power in your punches. And if you can do boxing, you could do kenpo, we don't use that many kicks anyway.

Just some ideas, a better idea about the limitations of the hip would be good.

Check out PenJak Silat. We had a girl that was in a wheelchair in some of our classes. She learned to use the leverage and nice dirty tricks of the old men that practice the art VERY well. I can remember getting dropped by her with a nice little thumb press and having her roll over me while laughing. Its was really funny for everyone else :D
I think it depends on the instructor, and the instructor's willingness to modify the art and requirements around the student's needs - that's how I ended up with two students with developmental disabilities, including one with cerebral palsy, in my class - they do what they can do, and the continue to improve. So they can't do jump kicks... so what? I realize that some arts are easier to modify than others, but as a TKD instructor, I would really suggest talking to the TKD instructors in your area and see what they say.

Good luck to both of you!
Gun-fu. No seriously...being an avid shooter is the best thing he can do; and carry all the time.

If he is still wanting to train for fun, though, I say check out one of the FMA's or a combatives system that teaches you how to fight with whatever physical capabilities you have today.

I saw someone mention Silat, but be wary of that. Some Silat systems that I have seen require people to be all over the ground in crouching postures and such; not so good for someone with a bum hip.

All this will depend more on the instructor then the art, though...
