A game not specifically geared towards rich parsons


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
I don't know where this idea came from, but here goes;

I'm gonna say something random, and the next person is going to pose a question in which my random thing would not be the answer you want to hear. Then they will pick a random thing for the next person.


A candy bar

Next poster: "So, son, what exactly did you trade my gold watch for?"

(and then they post their random thing)

First answer:

Marilyn Manson
So, daughter ... who's your idea of the most attractive man?

A pair of glasses.
So Doc, what did you find during the colonoscopy?

A hundred bucks
What did I do with my escalation report?

It's way too long.
bushidomartialarts said:
(after discarding several answers better suited for mt after dark..)

"Daughter, could you show me your new boyfriend's rap sheet?"

George W. Bush

Son I told you about bringing your pet jackass in the house!

Ice Cream

So what kind of expensive hobby do you have?

How am I supposed to get that sand out of the carpet when the vacuum's broken????

(I really tried to resist, I did)
Rich Parsons
Chuck Norris eat your heart out! Have you seen who the new "facts" sheet is about?

Honey, what kind of postage did you use to return the $300 camera?

Peanut butter
What did you just use to write on my newly-painted wall, child?

What did you use to get that bird poop off the hood of her brand new corvette?

Getting your eyebrows waxed

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