3D Strikes


Master Black Belt
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
Greetings All,

When striking an opponent using depth penetration will send him away from you going backwards (sidekick).

When striking using width penetration the opponent will move away from you going to the side (roundhouse).

When striking using height penetration the opponent will move straight down or up (knee strike to groin or hammerfist down the nose).

Ever seen a strike that is a mixture to drop your opponent?

For example an elbow coming down in a 45 degree angle using height, width, and depth. The force of the blow is aimed so that the energy has no where to go but straight down (this is where I wish I had a video camera).

I am new to Kenpo and this concept blew me away.


I was teaching that this week to my students.

They had a lot of fun, and a bit of pain because of the demosntrations.

These strikes destroy structure so well that they seem to paralize you for a sec. Also they look so effortless and relaxed in execution that they don't expect them hits to hurt so much.

The "BOOM" sound they make is quite cool too. They learned and they verified it worked some by hitting me, so they had a lot of fun too! LOL.

Good that you are enjoying your kenpo!


Juan M. Mercado
I saw a youtube video where some instructor was advocating punching down into a target. I didn't really buy into it, but I may have to experiment myself now.
Hi Hawke. As you get further into kenpo, you should seek to use all the dimensions in as many strikes as possible. It can make the strikes much more effective - and harder for the opponent to block.

Quote by profesormental -

These strikes destroy structure so well that they seem to paralize you for a sec. Also they look so effortless and relaxed in execution that they don't expect them hits to hurt so much.

I can verify this as well. I was Jeff Speakman's "dummy" :erg: at a seminar in Baltimore around 1993 or so. He was demonstrating the "3D" concept on me with a hammerfist kidney strike. Many folks were doing those strikes solely on the depth plane, and he showed how to add the height zone as well. That downward angle into the kidney makes a big difference! He got me once so good that my legs almost buckled.

To feel is to believe! Good luck with your training.

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