30 second drills


Brown Belt
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
There have been a couple of threads (one started by me) about the relative length of fights and how we train. Thought I'd ask if anyone does 30 second, or 1 minute drills as a way to train for the relatively short street fight. I've done punch outs on a heavy bag, punch and kick outs, short intense sparring, as well as some conditioning done in a few second burst manner, mainly running(sprinting,or jogging with fartlek sprinting) plyo jumping, pushups and situps. Sprawls too. Can anyone think of some more burst drills? Do you think they are useful? Some boxers train in three minute rounds (three rounds on the heavy bag, three rounds sparring, three rounds speed bag) to put the three minute round distance in their head. Do you think self defense oriented martial artists can put the accelerated quick time clock in their heads too? Is this useful? Thanks in advance for all replies.
Burst drills are some of the best and hardest training I do. I try my best to vary them as much as possible. I force myself to do a 30 second "burn out" at the end of my six minute rope jumping as the last part of my warm up. It definatly gets some adrenilin going. My son and do a "anything goes"(punches,elbows,kicks and knees) one minute on the heavy bag and sometimes on the mook jong.
I found the best short minute drills were speed front kicking, contests actually with the instructor holding the timer. Also he used to lead kickboxing, drills like knee strike-kick back-down, forcing you to pick it up full distance to knee again and try to keep up with him on his tempo. We would get short rests between different combos but we would go for a full five minutes each. Scooting down the line of bags, doing jump kicks like round at each are also good. TW
Thank you! Great stuff I am going to try out. Anyone else?
Another one is kicking a heavy bag as many times as you can withen the 30 second, also do double kicks, they tend to work on your speed very well.
Hello, Sometimes we do free forms/fighting. .. shadow boxing with all the kicks,punchs,elbows and so on....in 30 second drills or longer...the idea is to go hard and strong and build endurance too. ....Aloha
We trained 30 second drills for sparring and kickboxing. the idea was a continuous attack to finish the round. Sometimes we'd do it in the final round of a fight to try to get a knockdown or knockout, and sometimes we'd it if the other fighter looked hurt.
One of my favorite things to do is go at the heavy bag as hard and as fast as I can for 30 seconds, wow , does that give you a good work out.
We do 15 minutes of 30 second drills. Rotating situps/hill climbers/shadow boxing/one leg kicks/sprinting on the spot/pushups/v-sit/squats/jump squats/burpees etc.
Not often mind you, but before big tournaments, or when my instructor decides we're getting lazy. We go into the with mock complaints, and dread, but once everyone gets going, no one slacks, NO one gives in, everyone supports everyone, and we come out not only feeling better, but more connected. It's quite interesting.
I'm also a fan because I find you get fairly significant results quickly, for short term matches.