2nd Dan Test


Orange Belt
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Fargo, North Dakota
Hey everyone! Wow it's been a while since i posted anything on MT. Well I want to let you all know my bestest of best friends tkd_Jen (who hasn't been here for a while either) is testing for her 2nd Dan on June 14th. She kinda needs a confidence boost though because since her knee surgery it's been a tough road back. So lets route for her because she truly is awesome. Go Jen!!! You Rock!!!
haha I gave you a thank you Jen. I saw it under your post and i figured i'll try it out! By the way the rep thing was supposed to say You are the best but i pressed enter accidentally...lol i'm a goof!
You will do fine, remember have fun and let it flow just like in class.
As Terry said, just relax (as much as possible), and treat it like any other class. :) You'll be OK, Jen.
I understand you Jen, as you I will have a 2degree dan black belt test on july, and as you I have some demons to bury. I'm 40 years old and droped TKD at the age of 22 so I'm returning form 18 years of sedentarism with overweight and almost cero stamina. I have almost a year since my comeback and I had a couple of injuries and know how does it feel to try to give the best and feel frightned about have an injure again.

Best wishes and pray to you to pass your testing degree examn and hope to join you in 2degree black belt grade in july.

Remember that at any testing - and black belt testings most of all - you are demonstrating that you are the next rank, and that your instructor would not let you test unless you were capable of demonstrating that properly. So when your testing date come, get out there and demonstrate who you are and what you can do - because we all know it will be awesome!!!
the fact that you came back after the surgery shows you've got what it takes to get through the test. I won't say "good luck" 'cuz luck doesn't have anything to do with it - you'll do well because of your skills.
Jen, you are a true warrior. Coming back after knee surgery is no easy task. You'll do fine in your 2nd dan test...you already won a major part of the battle. Plus, your instructor wouldn't put you up for the test if you weren't ready...so, make us proud!
Nice to see you back in these parts again, jen. All that talent, knowledge and skill is still there, waiting to kick back in... just a little bit of massaging to get it all working again and you'll ace that exam, for sure.
Thank you to everyone for the awesome posts!! I wanted to give my awesome friend who is like a sister (tkd_jen) an example that there are a lot of people who believe in her. It's awesome to see that even though Jen and I have never met any of you fellow martial artists in person you still show a lot of support!
you will do great. a good instructor would never put a student up for test if they were not ready and able to pass.
I just wantd o say that i'm sure you will do awesome! I'm sure that your knee will be fine too, y'know why? Last year, weeks before my 1st dan test...I blew out my knee and needed surgery. I was able to recover and grade at the next test (about 6 months later). Everything went fine. If I can do it...anyone can.

So, don't fret. don't worry. Get out there and have a blast! It'll be all the sweeter because you persevered.


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