20 Kids


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Jun 21, 2003
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Michelle Duggar and her husband Jim Bob are expecting their 20[SUP]th[/SUP] child, the couple revealed exclusively to TODAY.
"We are so excited," Michelle Duggar told TODAY Moms before the broadcast. Now three and a half months pregnant, the mom of 19 says she was actually surprised to discover that she's expecting again at 45. "I was not thinking that God would give us another one, and we are just so grateful."
The super-sized family stars in its own reality TV show, “19 Kids and Counting,” on TLC (guess they will have to update the title!).

Saw this on TV this morning. Personally, I think the woman is nuts, but to each their own I suppose. Then again, looking at some of the comments that were left on the link I posted, others think she's crazy too! LOL.
the trainwreck continues....did they not learn anything from the last child?!

Ah, blame G-D for it....worked in the past.....
I would not choose the same path as the Duggars, but I don't understand why you consider it nuts or a trainwreck for them to manage their family as they see fit. They aren't asking the government or anyone else for a handout. They aren't asking anyone else to be responsible for the care or welfare of their children. They seem to be doing a fairly good job of housing themselves.

Although Mrs. Duggar had a health issue with her last child, many women continue to have additional children after having one problem pregnancy. Again, none of us were required to chip in to cover either of their medical costs.

Regarding blaming God, I believe the sentiment expressed was thankfulness not blame.

I find it difficult to understand why the Duggars' family choices stir up such strong feelings in people who are basically unaffected by them. I know of several farm families in my area that have 11 or 12 children. Just because smaller families are currently the popular trend in most places doesn't make large ones inherently wrong.
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I am sorry, I did not express myself well.
It's like a train wreck, one has difficulty to turn away from.

And certainly there is a heaping helping of sarcasm on my part, considering the severe health problems that latest young one had. At one point you can say 'thank you, but no thank you' to a blessing.

Having a lot of kids is not inherently wrong, true.
But then again I do have a problem with the whole 'reality TV' thing.

Large families used to be an economic necessity plus the absence of birth control made family planning a bit unpredictable. These days we have more of an opposite problem: Large families are a drain on the finances.

Around here 4 kids are close to the norm, where I am from anything past the 2nd puts you close to being trailer park trash. Certainly no full quiver people that I know of.

Alas, she is happy. More power to her.
Geez I think my 2 are a handful, can't imagine 20 LOL. Best of luck to them I guess, far be it from me to question how to manage a persons family or how many kids to have.
I'm not sure about having 20 but I would have liked more kids. I've only the 2 with nine years between them, I had miscarriages between the two. Perhaps growing up with only parents and a brother makes me think having a big family would have been nice. I would have liked four or five kids. Now I'm waiting for grand children but I don't hold out much hope.
You can't win however, it doesn't matter how many or how few children you have someone has a go at you. Friends of mine who were childless often had people telling them they were selfish which hurt them as it wasn't by choice. Friends with more than two children were assumed that those after the first two were an accident and were called selfish! My daughter was assumed to be an accident and I was called selfish again for having one so late. You can't win. It really isn't anyone's business.
Geez I think my 2 are a handful, can't imagine 20 LOL. Best of luck to them I guess, far be it from me to question how to manage a persons family or how many kids to have.

I think once you get beyond four they all start taking care of each other.

I had three. Felt like six.

As for reality TV, perhaps it's the only way they'll ever be able to feed them.
I wonder if they realize what's causing the pregnancies? :)
A fanatical devotion to the pope!

Betcha didn't expect that one :D
I'm not sure about having 20 but I would have liked more kids. I've only the 2 with nine years between them, I had miscarriages between the two. Perhaps growing up with only parents and a brother makes me think having a big family would have been nice. I would have liked four or five kids. Now I'm waiting for grand children but I don't hold out much hope.
You can't win however, it doesn't matter how many or how few children you have someone has a go at you. Friends of mine who were childless often had people telling them they were selfish which hurt them as it wasn't by choice. Friends with more than two children were assumed that those after the first two were an accident and were called selfish! My daughter was assumed to be an accident and I was called selfish again for having one so late. You can't win. It really isn't anyone's business.

True enough, but you are not the center point of a 'Reality TV' show.

I think that exhibitionistic streak in people is revolting to me, not the prolific procreation.
True enough, but you are not the center point of a 'Reality TV' show.

I think that exhibitionistic streak in people is revolting to me, not the prolific procreation.

We have Katie Price/Jordan's reality show so I expect anything is better than that! Oh and we have 'The only way is Essex' and something that is really really bad 'Geordie Shore'.
TOWIE as it's called!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIaSbox1bqI&feature=related Geordie Shore, the nightclub you see them is one of the ones where my instructor is head doorman. Gives you an idea why you shouldn't go out in Newcastle Upon Tyne!! yep, chavs and Geordies ugh! You will look at the family with 20 kids in a whole new light after this one!!

PS Cheryl Cole is a Geordie with a conviction for assaulting a toilet attendant at a club, please feel free to keep her on your version of X Factor or whatever!
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We have Katie Price/Jordan's reality show so I expect anything is better than that! Oh and we have 'The only way is Essex' and something that is really really bad 'Geordie Shore'.
TOWIE as it's called!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIaSbox1bqI&feature=related Geordie Shore, the nightclub you see them is one of the ones where my instructor is head doorman. Gives you an idea why you shouldn't go out in Newcastle Upon Tyne!! yep, chavs and Geordies ugh! You will look at the family with 20 kids in a whole new light after this one!!

PS Cheryl Cole is a Geordie with a conviction for assaulting a toilet attendant at a club, please feel free to keep her on your version of X Factor or whatever!

She's already been sacked from the X-Factor...
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We have Katie Price/Jordan's reality show so I expect anything is better than that! Oh and we have 'The only way is Essex' and something that is really really bad 'Geordie Shore'.
TOWIE as it's called!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIaSbox1bqI&feature=related Geordie Shore, the nightclub you see them is one of the ones where my instructor is head doorman. Gives you an idea why you shouldn't go out in Newcastle Upon Tyne!! yep, chavs and Geordies ugh! You will look at the family with 20 kids in a whole new light after this one!!
do they issue you a gun at the door?

PS Cheryl Cole is a Geordie with a conviction for assaulting a toilet attendant at a club, please feel free to keep her on your version of X Factor or whatever![/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's the kind of dreck that is really killing TV for me.
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do they issue you a gun at the door?

PS Cheryl Cole is a Geordie with a conviction for assaulting a toilet attendant at a club, please feel free to keep her on your version of X Factor or whatever!

Yeah, that's the kind of dreck that is really killing TV for me.[/QUOTE]

I don't mind it on the telly, I can not put it on but when the Geordie women come down to Catterick looking for sqauddies I can't avoid them! They drink, fight, strip, shag and eventually puke in the street, great fun. :rolleyes:
A fanatical devotion to the pope!

Betcha didn't expect that one :D

I don't believe the Duggars are Catholic...

But, as I understand it, there is a religious aspect. They are (very) conservative Christians.

And they more or less manage to pay their way through their own business and living frugally. I'm sure that proceeds from their book, and the tv shows helped (including, according to what I've just looked up, helping finish their house and stock the pantry...), but unlike Kate Gosselin, they haven't dropped life for reality tv.

(My wife is very much interested in both... I've absorbed more about them than I want to think about...)
Having a lot of kids is not inherently wrong, true.

In my view it is. Too many human's = poorly planet = no more humans. People need to practise responsibility with regard to the future.

Around here 4 kids are close to the norm, where I am from anything past the 2nd puts you close to being trailer park trash.

Aye, anything above replacement level is not really acceptable these days.

Not disagreeing with you, Gran, just putting my 'spin' forward on the points.
In my view it is. Too many human's = poorly planet = no more humans. People need to practise responsibility with regard to the future.

Aye, anything above replacement level is not really acceptable these days.

Not disagreeing with you, Gran, just putting my 'spin' forward on the points.
So your a fan of the China method of taking care of kids huh
I like to think there is a difference between a reasonable expectation of people to make their own decisions on important matters and the state regulating such things for them.

I remember listening to a chilling radio play that my English teacher recorded for us about a possible future in which having more than two children was illegal and if you chose to do so then you paid with your own life. Not a future I'd like to see come true but it may well do if we, as a species, don't come to the realisation that we cannot expand our numbers indefinitely. Most Western European nations have made that choice, for one reason or another and we are breeding ourselves 'down' - that is likewise not the best of choices. Nature loves a dynamic equilibrium of creatures to their environment; that's the balance we should aim for if we desire long-term stability and survival.
Im more of the as long as your not living off the Govt then i should butt out belief.

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