10,000 Free Round-Trip Tickets to Japan

Even though I would love to visit Japan again, and even though a few extra fingers would help my piano playing immensely, I -in my utter ignorance- would still be worried. It is a cool idea though. I hope it works for them.
Oh, count me in! I'd go in a heartbeat.
If I had the money I'd go in a heartbeat too... spending money, hotels, food, what-nots. I'd take my gf too. Sigh.
I'm trying for it. I went to Sendai -- the city hurt worst by the meltdown -- in 2000 and have been dying to go back.
I live on Hokkaido, the northernmost island, in a little town called Rusutsu. It`s got some of the best skiing and snowboarding in Asia. December to march We get fresh powder at least every other day if not every day. Nice big resort hotel or a half dozen small bed and breakfast places, houses for rent.Great food and drinks. And you get to say "I met Dave. He`s SOOOoo cool!!" I`d love to show folks around.
I live on Hokkaido, the northernmost island, in a little town called Rusutsu. It`s got some of the best skiing and snowboarding in Asia. December to march We get fresh powder at least every other day if not every day. Nice big resort hotel or a half dozen small bed and breakfast places, houses for rent.Great food and drinks. And you get to say "I met Dave. He`s SOOOoo cool!!" I`d love to show folks around.

Dear Japan Tourism Board,

I wanna go back and visit an island I didn't see last time, and visit Dave! :D
I'd never have the time.........
I have the leave. I don't have the time. And, unless Dave is gonna put me up, I'd be sleeping on the street. Not even in one of those businessman tube things...

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