There's a little less of my favourite place now!

Oi sea! That's a bit of England you're nicking there ... give it back!
Wow. Yes, do not walk too near the edge when you are down them parts Tez! Stay inland and console yourself with a tankard of scrumpy :D
Wow. Yes, do not walk too near the edge when you are down them parts Tez! Stay inland and console yourself with a tankard of scrumpy :D

I will lol, I stocked up at the Cyder Farm down there, scrumpy apple chutney too, it's wonderful! They make Rattler cider as well as some very smooth ciders, they sell online too! for Sukerkin, yes the Healeys bit is connected to the car! The farm is run by Donald's grandson David and the cars feature quite a bit on bottles and around the place.
For the American connection Donald Healey used to own Trebah estate where American troops set off from for the D Day landings, they've just brought out a Texas style cider too.

As the scientific guy said rock falls are fairly common but to acutually manage to film one is something, I noticed they are quite close to the edge as well, must have been scary!
I will lol, I stocked up at the Cyder Farm down there, scrumpy apple chutney too, it's wonderful! They make Rattler cider as well as some very smooth ciders, they sell online too! for Sukerkin, yes the Healeys bit is connected to the car! The farm is run by Donald's grandson David and the cars feature quite a bit on bottles and around the place.
For the American connection Donald Healey used to own Trebah estate where American troops set off from for the D Day landings, they've just brought out a Texas style cider too.

As the scientific guy said rock falls are fairly common but to acutually manage to film one is something, I noticed they are quite close to the edge as well, must have been scary!
Oh I take apple cider vinegar as an incredible supplement too, amazing stuff! :D

And I do not know if there is something odd about the circumstances of the filming of that video? I am not one for coincidence especially since the cameraman is seemingly zoomed in on one specific area with apparently not much out of the ordinary in shot? Amazing footage if they did not in some way bring it about theirselves! I do not think that would be possible though?
Oh I take apple cider vinegar as an incredible supplement too, amazing stuff! :D

And I do not know if there is something odd about the circumstances of the filming of that video? I am not one for coincidence especially since the cameraman is seemingly zoomed in on one specific area with apparently not much out of the ordinary in shot? Amazing footage if they did not in some way bring it about theirselves! I do not think that would be possible though?

Seemingly it was filmed on a mobile phone so it could be a coincidence, there are plenty of places along the cliff walks where you can see other rock falls though. Imagine feeling the earth rumbling and seeing that in front of you lol, I'd run fast in the other direction not stand and film it!
Seemingly it was filmed on a mobile phone so it could be a coincidence, there are plenty of places along the cliff walks where you can see other rock falls though. Imagine feeling the earth rumbling and seeing that in front of you lol, I'd run fast in the other direction not stand and film it!
Goodness yes Tez I think that is only prudent!

It is a beautiful area and they are doing studies (according to news this morning) along the east coastline to figure the dynamics of the silts and sands that are creating havoc over there as the sea level rises and encroaches further inland. Makes me want to run to the hills! I am pretty much at sea level here too!
Goodness yes Tez I think that is only prudent!

It is a beautiful area and they are doing studies (according to news this morning) along the east coastline to figure the dynamics of the silts and sands that are creating havoc over there as the sea level rises and encroaches further inland. Makes me want to run to the hills! I am pretty much at sea level here too!

I saw that too! I live well above see level so we only get rivers flooding...and bad winters! They did a study on the same beach (Perranporth) on riptides and how they work, more importantly how to get out of them if swimming or surfing.
A lot of the Cornish coast though is also riddled with tin mines which I think must weaken the cliffs, some of the old engine house can still be seen perching on the cliffs.
I want to go and live down in Cornwall when I retire in a couple of years but it may take a lottery or premium bond win to do it. Sigh, as I look out of the window at the grey day and pouring rain. I'm trying to pysche myself up to go to the gym but got stuck watching Jeremy Kyle lol, road crash tv.
I saw that too! I live well above see level so we only get rivers flooding...and bad winters! They did a study on the same beach (Perranporth) on riptides and how they work, more importantly how to get out of them if swimming or surfing.
A lot of the Cornish coast though is also riddled with tin mines which I think must weaken the cliffs, some of the old engine house can still be seen perching on the cliffs.
I want to go and live down in Cornwall when I retire in a couple of years but it may take a lottery or premium bond win to do it. Sigh, as I look out of the window at the grey day and pouring rain. I'm trying to pysche myself up to go to the gym but got stuck watching Jeremy Kyle lol, road crash tv.
You are high up and you still get flooding? Eeek, maybe I will stay near the Thames flood defences then after all lol. And why are the tides rising all the time? Is this because the ice caps are disintegrating? That is frightening. They say East Anglia will be the first to end up underwater goodness. And yes missus, get off out to that gym, Jeremy Kyle will only make you view the whole country as a messed up in the head bunch of weirdos :D

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