1,000,000 posts on MT?

WOW, that is a lot of accumulated wisdom :) With that firepower, I guess that means it is time for the unveiling of MT-Jutsu? Or the Great MT Novel?? Or MT, The Movie??? I wonder who would star in that? :D
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

All I know if a movie comes out I need to play the Ultimate post whore.:bow::partyon::partyon:
Can we get Johnny Depp, Kevin Smith or Jack Black to play me? ;)

Congrats everyone. For making a once small regional portal into one of "The Big Boys". :)
Can we get Johnny Depp, Kevin Smith or Jack Black to play me? ;)

Congrats everyone. For making a once small regional portal into one of "The Big Boys". :)

Bob Jack Black would amke a great you and Thank you for having us all these years.:asian:
Bob Jack Black would amke a great you and Thank you for having us all these years.:asian:

Jack Black would be the perfect part! And, I second the thanks for putting up with us, both the good and the bad.
Can we get Johnny Depp, Kevin Smith or Jack Black to play me? ;)

Congrats everyone. For making a once small regional portal into one of "The Big Boys". :)

Who could play me? Jack Nicholson? (* See other threads about making fun of/with me *)

Congrats Bob, I know it was lots of stress and growing pains. Where we were when it began and where we are today is something to be proud of.

Who could play me? Jack Nicholson? (* See other threads about making fun of/with me *)

Congrats Bob, I know it was lots of stress and growing pains. Where we were when it began and where we are today is something to be proud of.


I can see him playing you.
Congratulations to MartialTalk.com and Bob Hubbard and the staff ...

... and to ...


Thank You for helping make MT what we are!

:headbangin: Y'ALL RAWK!! :wuguns:
Key Word is YET :angel:

we all have goals in our lives right.