post filght

my oppanant's name was rose. The more important part is that she is pat berry's girlfriend and he was her corner and trains her. and i found out a very important lesson. head kicks don't hurt very much it's the spin heal kicks that suck.


Technically, No Hits to the Head will Hurt.
Its the Recoil thatll do you in.

Its the Recoil thatll bash your Brain against your Skull - And most People train Head Kicks like they do Body Kicks, without distinguishing the need for Technical Differences.
I personally find the Ball of the Foot to be better against the Head than the Instep or Shin (In a Roundhouse type kick). But thats Me.

I can find a Video I saw a while ago, of someone being Struck in the Head, standing there, then spazzing out and falling down.
I know it's the brain sloshing around in the skull that does the damage thats y i find headgear completely pointless.
and just so u know the foot is easily broken while the shin when well conditioned is unstopable. check out melchore menor when he did the fight science show for national geographic. kicks through a wooden bat and doesnt feel a thing
wolfgirl;bt438 said:
I know it's the brain sloshing around in the skull that does the damage thats y i find headgear completely pointless.
and just so u know the foot is easily broken while the shin when well conditioned is unstopable. check out melchore menor when he did the fight science show for national geographic. kicks through a wooden bat and doesnt feel a thing
The foot is as easily broken as the Knuckles, before you manually decrease that chance.

Besides - By Fight Science Logic, Taekwondo Round Kicks will Kill in one blow.

I for one can Roundhouse a Concrete Post without Hurting my Foot at all.

The Shin can also be Broken by a Direct Hit. However, most Competitive Arts dont have to deal with that, since People politely dont hit it that way, for the same reason they dont kick the Knee directly very often at all.

I know Anatomy, and I know how Impact affects the Body. But bare in mind that one thing being Functional doesnt rule out other Functionalities. The Wrist, for example, can be used as a Striking Tool. Without Maiming Yourself.
also by fight science the muay thai knee beats all kicks on damage. and having taken a knee to the center of my shin they are not easily broken. and seeing as ive never been attacked by a concrete post i wouldnt know if it would do any damage to my shin
wolfgirl;bt442 said:
also by fight science the muay thai knee beats all kicks on damage. and having taken a knee to the center of my shin they are not easily broken. and seeing as ive never been attacked by a concrete post i wouldnt know if it would do any damage to my shin
This conversation it is then.

If you prefer to use your Shin, their is nothing wrong with that.
But how hard something is to Break, is different to how much Power it can deliver.

If Knees beat all Kicks, well Jolly Good. Lets NEVER EVER STRAFE, and force ourselves into Clinching Situations generated by Mindsets and Rules, so that we can Knee each other. Back and forth.
That might sound critical at first, but it is Symbolic of how Rules affect how a Style functions.
Sport TKD has more Kicking, because Kicks score more Points.
Professional Boxing has less Power, because Precision is more Important.
Muay Thai has a considerable amount of Clinching, because the way the Art is Trained gears it to leading to frequent Clinching Scenarios.
BJJ has alot of Grappling because its a Grappling Art.
Judo is Takedown Geared, despite its inclusion of many other things, including Punches; Due to Ippon.
Ju Jitsu has Punches, Kicks, Elbows, Knees, Open Hands, Clinches, Grapples, Takedowns, Submissions, and Jointlocks, among other things; But despite this, it nigh always gets down to the Ground, due to HOW its Trained.
Same with MMA.
One could refer to Gracie on this one.
Gracie lost to a Judoka in PRIDE. Does this make Judo > BJJ? Given that Gracie is a symbol of BJJ? Certainly not.
Gracie also lost to a Boxer (With some Submission Wrestling and Grappling on the side), by TKO.
For the same reason that the Shins being tough, doesnt always make them the best for everyone.

Logistically, its all the same.
One just needs to be able to see that there are many, many angles to how these things work.
More than Statistics.

Now, that isnt to deny these Statistics. It is to deny the Conclusions youre drawing from them.
way to end a good argument. sorry if i came off kind of bitchy but alot of your comments come off as condescending and im way to used to having to fight for respect because martial arts of all kind will always be a male dominated sport (and the gyms that ive trained at are pretty much all guys).
and ya some of the gracies might lose sometimes but overall they tend to win more. it might be due to that fact that there is so many of them more than anything else ;)
wolfgirl;bt444 said:
way to end a good argument. sorry if i came off kind of bitchy but alot of your comments come off as condescending and im way to used to having to fight for respect because martial arts of all kind will always be a male dominated sport (and the gyms that ive trained at are pretty much all guys).
and ya some of the gracies might lose sometimes but overall they tend to win more. it might be due to that fact that there is so many of them more than anything else ;)

I dont judge anyone - Or any Style - But I am aware that many People feel they need to.
The thing about the way Comments are read, is that its possible to draw an initial conclusion, and then become not so much stuck in that mindset, but more stuck in thinking you need to defend yourself, when in fact, you really dont.

The Gracies Comment can be answered with; MMA is probably responsible for attracting that kind of audience. When Gracie won a few matches, BJJ pretty much went from "Jiu Jitsu is an Art that teaches pretty much everything!" by the General Populace, to "Jiu Jitsu is that Grappling Art we see in the UFC!"
Similar to how Boxing was the 'in' thing, right up until around the 50s.
Right now, the popularity of Grappling in MMA is leaning away from Wrestling, and more into Striking supplemented by Takedowns and GnP.
So of course, the Gracies have won alot more than theyve lost - But their substancial popularity gave them the means to participate in more Events overall.

In closing; Glad you could see past any Preconceptions :)

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