23 days

For my forth fight i have a rematch against the second girl i went against. I saw her fight recently and she deffinently has gotten better. I just got up rooted from the gym i started muay thai at right before i got this fight set up. Now i'm pretty much training myself and doing kickboxing classes at a local gym to where i'm going to college. It's really hard to do the different stances and everything that the coaches at my new gym want me to do while still holding onto what i know are good techniques that i learned from my old gym and seeing as it's a muay thai fight i think it would be better for me to stick with what i learned from a muay thai coach and not kickboxers. I'm trying to push myself to get better but i'll pretty much hav gone an entire month without sparring by the time i get to the fight. my new gym doesn't really allow it. I did find some guys that i knew from my previous fights and they said i could spar with them but they already backed out of the first session which was supposed to be tonight. I was really looking forward to it too it's pretty much the only thing that got me through my classes. We set up a new time on saturday and i really hope they don't back out of this one.:mst:


Perhaps consider Training somewere that does more Sparring?
Theres hardly any Background here upon which I could Base why you havent already done that.

One other thing, is that Kickboxing=/=MT. Dont try and Blend them, until you can actually DO both of them Seperately.

My Contribution :)
For one thing i know that kickboxing and muay thai are not the same thing. i've done muay thai for an entire year now and i'm not the best but i do have some skills. and i can't train anywhere else because there are no other gyms where i am going to college trust me i've looked.

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