Wing Chun Core Concepts - Video

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I found this interesting, but not being a Wing Chun guy I was wondering what out Wing Chu folks on MT think

I shall also add, I like what I see, kind of reminds me a bit of JKD.... no surprise there actually
Good question. Hard to answer. Could say yes and no. Could say this is more wing chun 101 or first and second form concepts vs weapon form concepts. Square stance is really just a training stance vs actual fighting stance,fighting footwork is far more active and dynamic than what is presented. Concepts hold through all levels but they take different form and application as you move from static defensive posture to aggressive attacking or use body evasion. Power generation and moving body changes things as well. Wing Chun is meant to be used very close . You want to get up inside the opponents shirt is a metaphor I like to use. To do this requires a certain use of your body to receive,redirect and expel force. Hence why I liken this to wing chun 101. You have to walk before you can run. This gets you walking
As hunschuld says, it is basic. But I think that's what it's meant to be -- an introduction to the basic concepts and theory. And in that regard, it's very accurate. All of the principles discussed here, and as well as the techniques and interpretations, are pretty standard across all lineages. From there, different schools/teachers refine them as they see fit.