Why does it keep saying that my INbox is Full??


Apr 17, 2002
Reaction score
At an OP in view of your house...
Why does it keep saying my inbox is full???

I have cleared it, yet I keep getting a corresponence that my Inbox is full when people try to PM me.

What do I do

Originally posted by PAUL
Why does it keep saying my inbox is full???

I have cleared it, yet I keep getting a corresponence that my Inbox is full when people try to PM me.

What do I do



Have you checked the Sent Box?

It automatically saves a copy. check this and then see if all is well?

Hey Paul Look after this Thread Kaith has done a much better job then me explaining it all. ;)
To check your PM box for 'hidden' messages:

1- Goto your PM inbox

2- make certain " Show Messages From: " says "The Beginning".

Delete old messages.

3- Jump to folder "Sent Items" Make sure that also shows from 'The Beginning'

Delete old sent messages

4- Jump to folder ">Message Tracking" Make sure that also shows from the beginning.

End tracking and remove old msgs here.

5- Repeat for any other folders you may have.

If you find none, and still have an indication that your box is full, contact an admin and we can 'nuke' the box clean for you. Keep in mind, this is an 'all-or-nothing' nuke, so save anything important.

Sent one!
Not that I know of. I'll check into things a bit though. :)
Originally posted by Palusut
Anyway that our messages can be archived locally before we purge?

That would be nice to have that feature. I have a few messages that I want to keep for a while.
Let us know if there is anything else useful too.
What I've done is a FILE-Save As and saved the page as an html file into 'My Documents'.

You can also create a 'saved' folder to toss em, however they do count against the total messages.

In most cases, its message tracking that causes the bottleneck.
