What Ever Happened to Ron Marchini?


Patrick Skerry

Is Ron Marchini still around? And what style of karate did he study? How good was he?
Ron Marchini was a Renbukai stylist. Yes he was tough, my understanding is that he fought all of what we would consider the greats from his time period Lewis, Norris ECT. I can't quote his Win/Loss record, but I believe he had his fair share in the Win catagory. I also believe he lives down around Stockton Ca. but I'm not totally sure.

Did Ron Marchini totally leave karate, or does he teach?

kelly keltner said:
Ron Marchini was a Renbukai stylist. Yes he was tough, my understanding is that he fought all of what we would consider the greats from his time period Lewis, Norris ECT. I can't quote his Win/Loss record, but I believe he had his fair share in the Win catagory. I also believe he lives down around Stockton Ca. but I'm not totally sure.

Ron Marchini wrote an article many years ago in one of the karate mags, probably Black Belt, that I'll never forget. It was all the reasons why you shouldn't take your wife or girlfriend (I didn't say and/or, lol) as a student. He was absolutely right in every reason, LOL. Trust me, I know!