UFC Predictions



Miller V Weir- tough call I really don't know these fighters all that well. Seen one Weir fight and I seen one Miller fight but I don't remember it. I guess I will take the wrestler Miller (JD)

Matyushenko V Wiuff- Hmm this fight is tough to call. Matyushenko is going up a weight class and Wiuff is a big heavy so I am going to have to pick Wiuff (JD)

Freeman V Arlovski- tough call I like Ian Freeman but Arlovski had a battle with Rizzo. I am going to have to say Arlovski. (1st rd KO) could go wither way.

Lawler V Tiki- Lawler first round ref stoppage. Who's bright Idea was this match?

Spratt V Newton- Newton (2nd rd sub) He is going to take a little damage in this fight but I think his submissions are better then Spratts striking. The only thing I worry about is Newton fighting so soon after the worst loss of his career.

Liddell V Sobral- In the biggest mistake of his career I see Chuck losing a very contrversal descision and missing out on his chance to fight Titto Ortiz. Somehow something bad is going to happen to Chuck and it is a shame because he is the man. I have a real bad feeling about this fight. (Sobral JD)

Hughes V Castillo- Easy call here. Hughes (GnP stoppagr 2nd) Should be a very entertaining match, but I don't see hughes failing here.

Shamrock V Ortiz- Headliner main event. Who you going to call? Ortiz is going to put Ken in a test like he has never had. I feel age is going to catch up with Ken and he is going to lose (JD Ortiz) Ken could come up with a sub, but I don't think so Ortiz can grapple to, and if it goes the distance Ortiz all the way.
lol I think Ken needs some integrety first. I know Ortiz is a bastered but Ken is not much better, and as to who will win we will all know Friday night.
Originally posted by JDenz

lol I think Ken needs some integrety first. I know Ortiz is a bastered but Ken is not much better, and as to who will win we will all know Friday night.

We don't get a lot of UFC here in OZ but I recently saw Tito Ortiz fight Aussie boy Elvis Sinosic whom he beat the living suitcase out of. There were some clips of Tito training and being interviewed about his training and he seemed like a very down to earth guy but after he beat Elvis he pretended to dig a grave and bury him and was mouthing off. I just think he has taken a leaf out of the pro wrestling book and developed a ring personality to gain popularity and from what I can see it has. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is just how it seems to me. I think he will flog Shamrock but the fight won't be short, Shamrock has heart. I would like to see Frank fight Tito.

What ever happened to Tank 'pea heart' Abbott?

"Tank 'pea heart' Abbott"

Hopefully he died a horrible death. I'm serious. He's a monster. I still remember him watching a clip of himself sitting on his opponents face, squishing him into the corner of the octagon and saying "you better turn that off, I'm getting aroused". I still watch the clip of him getting knocked out with a punch over and over to make myself feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Frank and tito have fought in UFC 22 it was a good battle but Frank won. Tank has been making apearances all over. What punch are you talking about Mavis
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

"Tank 'pea heart' Abbott"

Hopefully he died a horrible death. I'm serious. He's a monster. I still remember him watching a clip of himself sitting on his opponents face, squishing him into the corner of the octagon and saying "you better turn that off, I'm getting aroused". I still watch the clip of him getting knocked out with a punch over and over to make myself feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I am not a fan of Tanks. I know he's strong but I have seen him on numerous occasions just give up. The most recent one I saw was against Maurice Smith. That just doesn't appeal to me.
Ya well he took that fight on two days notice when he wasn't training. I am not making excuses fo the guy but at that time Mo was the best of the best.
Originally posted by JDenz

Ya well he took that fight on two days notice when he wasn't training. I am not making excuses fo the guy but at that time Mo was the best of the best.

Training has nothing to do with heart. My opinion is that if you decide to fight you fight until you're submitted or KOed. Not that I would enjoy taking Maurice's leg kicks but I would fight until I couldn't stand (i've seen many kickboxers do it). Tank also seems to use lack of training as an excuse for his poor form.

Shamrock will win, but not easily.

I know this is going to be one of the greatest fights in UFC history.

I don't know it has all the makings of a bad show. Could be some long ground wars in this one and if they don't go all out the main event could be very boring to those not into watching fights in the clinch
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

This one! It makes me happy.


Go to fight clips and then down to Pedro Rizzo KO . It's beautiful stuff.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Those fight clips are nice, spent a few hours downloading them all over my modem. ;-D
Originally posted by JDenz

I don't know it has all the makings of a bad show. Could be some long ground wars in this one and if they don't go all out the main event could be very boring to those not into watching fights in the clinch

I may actually be watching it live on pay tv which is a rare opportunity in Australia. Anyway I think Tito will win. Shamrock just isn't the same fighter he was in his hey day. He's older, has bad hands and has recently lost to Don Frye so I realy believe that he won't last that long. Maybe just over a round.

Just my thoughts
He will last awhile but not win. Plus he went crazy agian at the press conferance and threw a chair at Ortiz. Lol you guys think Tito has an attitude problem
hey guys, i dont know too much about UFC but i hope ken wins. I like the lions den, but i mainly like ken because he i used to watch wwf and he was good there heh, but thats the wwf not ufc so i hope i get the chance to watch it. Hey guys also, a while ago i remember watching "Kimo" a lot, wat ever happened to him?

He has fought in Pride a couple times and in some lesser events. His last fight was a win over Tim Lajcik in the WFA, a couple weeks ago. He isn't that great these days. Taking nothing away from him he is pretty tough but his skill level isn't up there with the Pride UFC guys.
"Plus he went crazy agian at the press conferance and threw a chair at Ortiz"

JDenz, surely you are starting to realise that UFC is playing up this whole thing and alot of it is most likely scripted for ratings right? They arent stupid, they are trying to take away from WWF type shows. They want the reality of MMA and the drama of WWF and if they get it, I guarantee it will work and they know it. They are going to take elements of 2 successful formulas and make tons of money. I foresee alot more drama in the future and MMA shows like this becoming more and more popular and common. I wouldnt be surprised at all if wrestling shows become extinct and MMA drama oriented shows become the norm.

I started to realise this when I went to a MMA fight and some of the fighters had characters and played them up... to my disgust. The crowd freaking loved it, personally it makes me sick but I have always hated wrestling shows. I like to watch honorable fighters in combat, not "Pimp daddy lover" or "Pain Peterson" ride in on his harley, step into the ring, and get his *** handed to him.... which is exactly what happened.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD