Tyson in K-1 next year

Tyson might just make it through one round, but no way in h*** will he finish the second...
I saw K1 last night on TV and Bob Sapp was fighting some guy named Ernesto Housch (sp?) and Ernesto knocked Sapp down with a kidney shot but decided to try and knockout Sapp after that and got jackhammered and lost the fight.
Bob Sapp is gigantic!!! I had never seen him before. He is like 285 with muscles...a beast!

Tyson will still knock him out though
Just because Tyson hasn't fought with different rules in a ring before doesn't mean he can't change up with a little guidance. He used to be a street brawler before he got some training. I think he could do well at MMA with the right guidance, look at how many wrestlers and kickboxers have adapted to MMA rules. If they can do it so can Tyson.
I agree and as much as I dislike Tyson, I think he is well suited for K1 fighting. I can't wait to see him in K1 I think it will be very entertaining to say the least.
Tyson will never fight anything but boxing, His manager has already stated that much. Tyson would kill Sapp. Tyson will never train for MMA or K-1. He can't even be bothered to train in his own sport much less cross train.
We dont get a lot of K1 on TV here, I love watching it when it is on, we mainly see the New Zealand v's Austraila fights.

Remind me who is Sapp, is that the big guy with the 'sensitive' chin?? If he is the one I am thinking of, the last fight I saw he got beat by Sefo.
JDenz said:
I am pretty sure it is going to be boxing rules.
Actually remember seeing the bout between Bob Sapp and someone else when Tyson stepped in the ring to challenge. Sapp stated clearly that if Tyson would agree to K-1 rules then it was on...
I would love to see Tyson fight in a UFC or Pride type event. I'd be interested in how hard he can punch from his back. Not something I guess im likely to see anytime soon though. Didn't think i'd see him fight in K-1 either though. I guess anythings possible these days.
Sorry for being clueless but I'm wondering how old this thread is?

Has Tyson fought yet? It's 17 November 2004 today.

Just wondering.

I've heard that Tyson is doing pretty well at MMA. I'd sure like to see how well he's doing, especially against Hoost or Sapp.

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