Anyone out there into twitter? I've just started and ran into some good martial arts folks out there. For instance, you could tweet whenever you posted here and your followers could read your posts instantly. If anyone wants to follow me, I'm at I follow martial arts folks back and it's a way to publicize your school too.
Thanks! I added you too. =] I set up a twitter for my personal school website so I can post real time updates when away from my work computer with the Contribute software. Parents looking can see up to the minute updates but on this one I don't follow them back (It's a one-way tweet, lol) to avoid any potential complications. I think this would work great for any martial arts school and Twitter gets a high page rank from Google. I got the Twitter icon from a site that provides free downloads so you can copy mine if you like.
Also if you have a myspace page, please add us. and let me know you're from Martial Talk so I can put you in that catagory. =] Kitty