Tuite in kata


Black Belt
Sep 18, 2004
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I was wondering if people practiced tuite in the bunkai to their katas?
chinto01 said:
I was wondering if people practiced tuite in the bunkai to their katas?
Yes, but remember tuite is secondary in Shorin. Atemi comes first, and almost always precedes even a tuite move. What Shorin Ryuha do you do? I'm a nidan in Matsumura Seito, with a strong foundation in Shorinkan. Have a great week!
I study shobayashi ryu. Thanks for your reply. Do you practice tuite?
Ippon Ken said:
Yes, but remember tuite is secondary in Shorin. Atemi comes first, and almost always precedes even a tuite move. What Shorin Ryuha do you do? I'm a nidan in Matsumura Seito, with a strong foundation in Shorinkan. Have a great week!

True, but you will see many folks that don’t know that or think it can be done in reverse.
If you think about it logically it makes sense to strike before you grab since your hands are free before you grab…..otherwise you have to let go and strike, thereby losing your hold.
chinto01 said:
I was wondering if people practiced tuite in the bunkai to their katas?
In ryukyu kempo we do, thogh the frst twelve empty hand kata's are essentially chinese based, from the Nakumura line.
Chizikunbo said:
In ryukyu kempo we do, thogh the frst twelve empty hand kata's are essentially chinese based, from the Nakumura line.

Who do you study from?
I study shobayashi ryu. Thanks for your reply. Do you practice tuite?

yes we do, and i would be willing to bet you do to in your dojo. there are a lot of locks and graples hiden in the katas as im sure you well know.
True, but you will see many folks that don’t know that or think it can be done in reverse.
If you think about it logically it makes sense to strike before you grab since your hands are free before you grab…..otherwise you have to let go and strike, thereby losing your hold.

yep, and often that is the way it works..
I picked up a good book on Okinawan Karate the secret art of tuite by Javier Martinez
I have that book also. What a great reference.

In the spirit of bushido!

I picked up a good book on Okinawan Karate the secret art of tuite by Javier Martinez

well I do not have that book, but my sensei has a very vary good grasp of bunkai and all the aspects that are involved in bunkai. so I have had the Privelidge of learning from some one who allready has the knowledge and perspective that comes from a bunkai trained background.
well I do not have that book, but my sensei has a very vary good grasp of bunkai and all the aspects that are involved in bunkai. so I have had the Privelidge of learning from some one who allready has the knowledge and perspective that comes from a bunkai trained background.
A Sensei gives knowledge and depth but a good book will give you different perspectives. I advocate to my students to read many different books.
A Sensei gives knowledge and depth but a good book will give you different perspectives. I advocate to my students to read many different books.

true, and I have orderd the book actualy.
A Sensei gives knowledge and depth but a good book will give you different perspectives. I advocate to my students to read many different books.

yes true, and I have several books that are about history and other aspects of karate, including "the Bible of Karate the Bubushi " translated by patrick McCarthy. I have also orderd the book in question to see what is in it exactly, and I think it will have some interesting stuff in it.
Don't learn about kata from books, rather learn from teachers on how to look for tuite in your Kata. Books can't help you THAT much in terms of real training or learning.
Don't learn about kata from books, rather learn from teachers on how to look for tuite in your Kata. Books can't help you THAT much in terms of real training or learning.

yes, and I stated earler that my sensei is very knowledgeble about bunkai and the diferent aspects of it.
Don't learn about kata from books, rather learn from teachers on how to look for tuite in your Kata. Books can't help you THAT much in terms of real training or learning.

I must disagree. Learning about kata from books may add several aspects of the form that you have not pondered, or your teacher has not emphasized. Not that your teacher is inadequate...but as a teacher myself, we sometimes only touch lightly on the things that we think of as "common sense" type of things, having done them for so long, and we forget to teach them. Books can help fill in gaps, and provide interesting banter with your instructor which WILL yield awesome gains in learning, and from there, what you call "real training".

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