Traditional Samurai Martial Arts Pants?

First and foremost they're calling them "NEW traditional". Can't be both. Must be one or the other. I'm thinking it's a cheap marketing ploy. If you need hakama then just go buy a pair of hakama. ;)
Samurai wear Hakama. But there are other types of clothes such as

Samue which are really comfortable. Tattsuke Hakama I hear it used as Igabakama which is a Hakama with ties on the legs.

And Fudoshi which is underwear.

You can find a good amount of Japanese samurai clothes at
...If you need hakama then just go buy a pair of hakama. ;)

Thanks, but I had NO intention of buying those things. I'm not even close to needing to wear hakama, but I've never seen anything like these "pants". Just asking to see if there was at any time in history whether they were worn and I just didn't know about them. The description of them set off alarms for me.

I think that they're trying to sell off something that was incorrectly made (one leg bigger than the other), and were trying to catch people who wouldn't know the difference.
In my opinion, it is strictly marketing BS. I've never heard of anything remotely resembling these in regards to historical Japanese clothing. I am hardly an expert though. To get a definitive answer, I would advise emailing Anthony Bryant, who is somewhat of an expert on samurai clothing. ...

He's a great guy, and would probably be more than happy to give you his opinion.
For really new traditional samurai wear, at the next Xtreme tournament stick with spandex, fishnet and black eyeliner. All the cool bushi are wearing 'em and it would be just as historically accurate as those abominations.
Here's the link to those "pants" on the company website. They have a story attached regarding the samurai and conscription which I wondered, "what is the connection with this and these pants?".

A couple of the reviews on Amazon are there and one of them states further that they (the pants) are very Japanese.
They look like XMA wear. I could see people wearing that as demo uniform for a tourney. My Hapkido teacher is also a long-time Aikido practitioner, 3rd dan. I remember how proud he was to reach the rank where could wear Hakama -- he's much more traditional in Aikido mode. I should send him the link to see if I can get a rise out of him.:uhyeah: