TMNT Returns!!



anyone see the new TMNT cartoon. i have yet to see it, but ill make it a point. it is on saturdays at 9am in my area...which is PA.

i heard it is very different and alot better. i was always a big fan of the comics, which were hardcore and graphic. the movies and "kids" cartoons made them cheesy. hopefully this will regain their respect they deserve. what do you guys think???
Let me know what you think, I heard it was bad (like the icky new Transformers) but that was just an offhand remark.
I caught one episode last sat. it comes on here at 7:30. I thought it was pretty good. That combined with jackie chan adventures sat morning's might be worth watch tv again. Sorry but I hate anime and sat mornings have been saturated with it.
The new transformers is a pathetic excuse for telivision entertainment, I hope the new TMNT is worth while, all the remakes that they tried sucked after the first, but there still is hope.
i saw TMNT today...not bad at all. im glad they didn't have those dumb letters on their the animation is good and the voices are much better. a plus in my book. i'll keep watching.

the new he-man is good also.
Saw one episode of the new TMNT 'toon. A bit better than that last joke. Some of it seems to follow the original comic much better. The whole 'surfer dude' Michaelangelo needs to go, though. I'd watch it a few more times, to see if it has any promise.

agreed. some of the goofy stuff does need to go. i wish it was more of an adult cartoon but i guess they need to gear it towards kids.. since they are gonna be the ones with all the toys...LOL. i know my son is a big fan. he has all the figures. i big improvement from the last series.
:-( I liked the last series, it was one of my favorite showes... Then again I *was* a kid then.
actually the comics really helped through my martial arts. they even have authorized training manuals. one for each of their weapons. they are very cool. the hardcore attitude of the turtles is what turned me on to even if the show bombs i know that the comics are a totally different perspective.... more realisic to the ninja code.
i don't think we'll ever really see the turtles in their true element outside of the comics ever. people identify with them as the cute, cuddly reptiles that fight corny villans from time to time without once drawing an ouce of blood with their razor sharp weapons.

cartoon network's adult swim is the only place i could see this ever happening on television. i'd even say MTV would run something like that. they had SPAWN on at one time i believe and also the MAXX
yeah it is sorry to say that i dont think we will ever see the turtles as they are truly meant to be either. thats why the comics live on their own though.
For those of us who were grew up as little kids with the Turtles Cartoon show, is there somewhere we could get a taste of what the comic book turles are like short of going out and searching through comic shop archieves?
For once, I was actually up on a Saturday early enough to see the new TMNT. Doesn't seem too different from the first cartoon series, but I wish they'd use the old theme song.

I used to love the old show. I even collected the toys. But it's not too likely that I'll ever get out of bed early enough to see this one again.
im not sure where you can go but in short.. the turtles were ruthless. there was bloodshed and ninja stealth. they were true to the ninja code. they were very secret and dark. unlike the cartoon, they were not comical. they took what the did very serious and splinter was one to be feared as well as the shredder.
Originally posted by Elfan
For those of us who were grew up as little kids with the Turtles Cartoon show, is there somewhere we could get a taste of what the comic book turles are like short of going out and searching through comic shop archieves?

for a small taste visually....the first issue cover (note the bloody sword in the logo)
