The Term Moro

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Terry aka Moromoro,

In the 16th and 17th Century. The Muslims from North Africa were still spreading their culture and their lands controller by them. During this time frame Spain one fo the major colonial empires had a real strong hold in the PI, even though they did not control 100% of their own country. The Term Moor, as meant as a slang insult. As in many languages a word translates or gets spoken differently in context. Eample. The City of Turin in Italy is Called Turino since they end words in vowels. THe Hotel Marriott is called Mariotto. The term Moor became Moro in reference.

After near four hundred years of the introduction of this term in to the PI, it no longer has any negative connotation to many. Yet you yourself have said the Educated and Wealthy do not like the term. So, once agian, knowing the root of the history of the word and knowing that "some" do take offense to this term, I do not apply it anyone when I am speaking out of respect, and to avoid disrespect. Although, I will discuss it in an abstract and historical issue.

If I have insulted you or upset you this was not the intent.
rich i didnt mean to make anyone think that training here in the US means nothing. of course that is not true because there are people from every group that are very good fighters! but i was talking about learning the heart of the philippine art that is not taught by most people here in the US. i saw almost every major style here, and i stick by my words that most of them have lost the meaning in what they are teaching. but maybe i am a little biased, but i dont think many teachers here have that thing thats missing. two people i can think of that is not pilipino, but they can probably give you the philosophy of filipino teachers are dieter and halford jones. i dont know them, but i know there teachers, and i know how much time they put into learning the art directly from the old man.

you might get disappointed if you did go to a filipino to learn and only look at the surface of what he is teaching. but its only because you have to spend some time with most teachers, because many of them dont do a good job to explain the deep parts of the art. the technique might look the same, but the training style is different, and the philosophy is different.

i dont think you will have much problem because your white, in the philippines. not that many people are prejudice. maybe they dont trust foreigners, but believe me, even the pinoy who goes home will have some trouble if he doesnt smell like a filipino.

i think if you really want to learn, most pilipino teachers will be honored to have a foreign student. especially if he things your "famous"!

my name, maurice, is french, it means "a moor"
Originally posted by thekuntawman
my name, maurice, is french, it means "a moor"

Amour as in To Love or Being Loved? or does it truly have the Muslim connotation of A Moor? The Phonetics are the same yet the meanings are a world apart.

Originally posted by moromoro
hi rich

do you now know

that the term moro

is very diferent from the term moromoro??

it does not mean the same word twice over..........




MoroMoro may have a different meaning and I have said this before. Yet to this ignorant Caucasion it is like saying Honkey-Honkey.

I have said according to you the word has changed its' meaning in the PI to some. Not all, given the feedback I have received. I respect that you instructor chooses to use this term. I have also given you the history of the base word.

Terry, if it will make you feel better and to stop you from cross posting to other threads about this issue, then fine.

I am a White boy who knows nothing. I was wrong. You were right. You win.

Feel better???

I guess there is no talking to you about this and other issues. It has to be your way. That is fine. I apologize for wasting your time with the discussion with me.


*** Corrected Spelling Mistake(s) ***
hi rich

no time wasted, as pesilat said in the other forum somrtimes we have to repeat ourselves many times, because we are only using words....

ITS good that you understand the difference between the two words...

finally i would like to add a few things about the word moro....

the kuntawman a muslim has never heard that the word moro offends anyone....i myself who comes from the moro region of the south has never heard this to offend anyone....

THE PRESIDENT USES THE WORD MORO VERY she beign derogatory????

The islamic people of the philippines independence movement is called THE MORO ISLAMIC LIBERATION FRONT..

now are they offending there own people by using the word to decribe their movement?????????????????

also from high school text to university courses the term MORO is used widely are the schools beign disrespectfull??? and derogatory????

also your reseach is valid but we as pilipino's look at ourselves as one just because we are meztizo, chinese, moro, igorot, aita it does not matter we are all the same,

i think there is a misconception there (forum) here? that the term moro is like using the "N" word when it comes to our african american brothers it is not.....
So rich its not about beign right its about what is happening in the philippines today please feel free to answer the question i have placed above as you can see the word moro is used in everyday life in all levels of society including congress and by the moro themselves............

i hope we can continue our discussion about training theres a few balintawak questions i would like to ask you in the near future.......


Originally posted by moromoro
hi rich

no time wasted, as pesilat said in the other forum somrtimes we have to repeat ourselves many times, because we are only using words....

ITS good that you understand the difference between the two words...

finally i would like to add a few things about the word moro....

the kuntawman a muslim has never heard that the word moro offends anyone....i myself who comes from the moro region of the south has never heard this to offend anyone....

Yes, it is good that some people like the kuntawman and yuorself and others have open minds and do not allow words to upset them.

Originally posted by moromoro

THE PRESIDENT USES THE WORD MORO VERY she beign derogatory????

If the President of Nigeria uses a word, which used to be used and accepted, then it is derogatory if only one person takes offense at it. Is this too much Politcal correctness??? Who knows, I do not know.

Originally posted by moromoro

The islamic people of the philippines independence movement is called THE MORO ISLAMIC LIBERATION FRONT..

now are they offending there own people by using the word to decribe their movement?????????????????

I used to think that this was an acceptable example of the proper use of the word. Until I was yelled it in person and over the internet for the use of this term. Once Again I think it is ok for anyone from the Phillipines to say this word, yet it is not alright for me to say it to some. They take offense.

Originally posted by moromoro

also from high school text to university courses the term MORO is used widely are the schools beign disrespectfull??? and derogatory????

We used to have School books with lots of words that are not used today due to possible insults. Including the forbidden word of our African American Friends. Even though they can use the word themselves no one outside of he culture or eethnic background had better not use that word in there presence. So, this word is derogatory from an outsider but not from wtihin. Also, the usage of American Indian names as mascots has decreased over the years and is considered by many to be derogatory to the Native Americans. Yet, they tolerate it of the ignorant Americans, until they can change it.

I am an outsider to the the Filipino Culture. No Matter how hard I try, I am wrong.

Originally posted by moromoro

also your reseach is valid but we as pilipino's look at ourselves as one just because we are meztizo, chinese, moro, igorot, aita it does not matter we are all the same,

Yes to me we here in the USA should just be Americans. Yet . . .

Originally posted by moromoro

i think there is a misconception there (forum) here? that the term moro is like using the "N" word when it comes to our african american brothers it is not.....
So rich its not about beign right its about what is happening in the philippines today please feel free to answer the question i have placed above as you can see the word moro is used in everyday life in all levels of society including congress and by the moro themselves............

Like I said, I believe it is ok to be used by some and for the locals to the PI to use it. Yet, God/Allah help you if one was to use the term in front of some people. Not all people. So, please tell me, how do I identify with whom I can use this term without offending?

Originally posted by moromoro

i hope we can continue our discussion about training theres a few balintawak questions i would like to ask you in the near future.......



Discussion is always possible, if both sides not only talk, but listen! You can disagree, just allow the other person the right to have their opinion.

If I cannot answer your questions, there are others who read here as well who might be able t answer your questions. These others are my seniors in time in the art of Balintawak. Or, I will do some more research and followup at a later date.

i agree with a lot of what you are saying, for outsiders maybe the word muslim is more acceptable....

. Yet, God/Allah help you if one was to use the term in front of some people. Not all people. So, please tell me, how do I identify with whom I can use this term without offending?

yes i can see your point, recently the activities of certain "group" mainly abu sayef has given many islamic pilipino's a bad name, this has and is currently leading to a stage where many of the christian community have had enough, malitia's are rising with secret government support these malitia's have a anti moro (muslim) perspective just like kumander toothpick of the illaga's in the 70's who himself killed 100's if not thousands of moro's. these groups include the Christian National Front, Adamis, Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, and Christian Liberation Army. And in the zamboanga penisula the Subanen Liberation Army a major armed group with anti moro orientation.........
unfortunately in the next few years thousands of people will lose their lives in the southern philippines because of religios difference and unfortunately many innocents will lose their lives....

so unfortunetely the philippines is headed for a lot of trouble in the years to come.....
notthing realy to do with the subject i just thought it was relevant to include it

thanks rich

I have come to the conclusion that there is no give and take on any issue where moromoro is involved. You are right, we are wrong, you are from the PI and we are not. Maybe you can find a forum in the PI that has people who are worthy of your knowledge and heritage. So far typing seems to be the thing you're best at. Maybe you haven't gotten the message yet, but we here in the USA don't appreciate your smug attitude. Personally I'm sick of you monopolizing this forum with your bull
So to you :bird: Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue
you are the one obvioulsly only willing to take one side of the story, a drone or follower with little mind to formulate your own opinions.
i give a different opinion obviously you dont agree well thats good.

Just because iam not from the commercialised FMA like yourself doesnt mean to say that you are right all of the time, you see i can back up all my statements with fact and documentation, references. in the USA from what a freind has told me in a private email in this forum most of the FMA are SOLD...............


nice work great how your a 1st degree modern arnis i know for a fact that you will never master your system (like to see you get a tenth degree). concentrate on doing that before you speak sh** on the net......

tell me what are you upset with???

when i said the poster was bad??

when someone asked for techniques to teach his class????? in an internet forum..

or what??

or the fact that we use the word moro in everyday life in the philippines??

from the support i have gotten in emails many people agree with me they are just not as open.......
i always thought i was a very bad typer,
What I, and I believe many others on this forum have a problem with is YOU in general. You have no manners and no class. Enough said.
Originally posted by Cebu West
I have come to the conclusion that there is no give and take on any issue where moromoro is involved. You are right, we are wrong, you are from the PI and we are not. Maybe you can find a forum in the PI that has people who are worthy of your knowledge and heritage. So far typing seems to be the thing you're best at. Maybe you haven't gotten the message yet, but we here in the USA don't appreciate your smug attitude. Personally I'm sick of you monopolizing this forum with your bull
So to you :bird: Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue

I can only see this going from bad to worse.......:shrug:
Please keep all the discussons calm an polite and respectful.

I realize that heated discussons can and may occur. yet I ask fro everyone to move forwar from here with a positive attitude.

Thank you


Rich Parsons
MT Moderator
To the Martial Talk family I would like to make it clear that I have No problem with PI culture, the instructors or individuals from the islands. I believe that a knowledge of the culture, the language and the people are all a part of Modern Arnis, whether learning it or teaching it. My problem is with one individual and not the people or place where he is from.
Part of my curriculum requires my students to be familiar with the language and a knowledge of instructors that influenced Professor Presas in his forming of Modern Arnis. Knowing the past helps what you do in the future. No, I will never master my art, but and old saying is "Just when you think you've got it, that is the moment you've lost it". I will always be the student and will always be respectful of Modern Arnis and of those who came before it.

SAL (Cebu West-WMAA) :asian:
I can only see this going from bad to worse.......

Yes, I agree....

Admin Note

Enough guys.

I think everyones points have been made.

This thread started out as a discussion of termonology with some rather interesting info. It has degenerated into a pissing match.

Take it to email or PM at this time.

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