The Craziest Taekwondo Fight I've EVER Seen


White Belt
Dec 26, 2016
Reaction score
I mean how are these 2 people still standing? They should've been knocked out dead long ago!
I can learn so much from them, the stability, stamina, the focus, the sharpness and the force.

Enjoy and leave a comment! :D
Perhaps because they aren't touching each other? Nice choreography though.
I mean how are these 2 people still standing? They should've been knocked out dead long ago!
I can learn so much from them, the stability, stamina, the focus, the sharpness and the force.

Enjoy and leave a comment! :D
I don't think it was choreographed but it wasn't hugely brutal I've seen much more brutal fights than that a lot of those kicks missed. I mean the ones that landed were hard but since these 2 were trained they'd be conditioned to take a bit of pain. Most of it were just sweep takedowns. The head kicks were quite hard but nothing that looked life threatening as most were hitting with the foot not the shin. Don't get me wrong getting kicked with a foot isn't fun getting a shin in the face is way worse.

Also you want to learn the force? Go find obi wan kenobi. Sorry lol couldn't resist
Nah, it was still not much of a fight, flashy and maybe some hits landed, but nothing other than a nice video. I wouldn't say near misses as much as pulled.
It's a nice video ad for a video channel of all sorts of things.
I mean how are these 2 people still standing? They should've been knocked out dead long ago!
I can learn so much from them, the stability, stamina, the focus, the sharpness and the force.

Enjoy and leave a comment! :D

They aren't the same people, this is a highlight reel with competitors wearing the same uniforms.
Nah, it was still not much of a fight, flashy and maybe some hits landed, but nothing other than a nice video. I wouldn't say near misses as much as pulled.
It's a nice video ad for a video channel of all sorts of things.
Okay champ.
They aren't the same people, this is a highlight reel with competitors wearing the same uniforms.
Daaaamn you're right! Didnt notice haha
Okay champ.

Daaaamn you're right! Didnt notice haha
This is not full contact. Punches and kicks require depth to do any damage. Maybe too much sparring without contact results in this sort of thing.
I mean how are these 2 people still standing? They should've been knocked out dead long ago!
I can learn so much from them, the stability, stamina, the focus, the sharpness and the force.

Enjoy and leave a comment! :D

Thanks for the post - I enjoyed it.
This is Sanda not TKD, several slappy ax kicks but those side and spinning hook kicks weren't pulled.
As others have noted, this is a highlight reel of multiple Sanda matches. The clips included were apparently selected for the moments when a flashy kick or takedown was executed, regardless of whether the kick actually connected. If you were to watch the full individual fights that the clips were selected from you would find them to be less visually dramatic overall.

This is not full contact. Punches and kicks require depth to do any damage. Maybe too much sparring without contact results in this sort of thing.

That is definitely full contact. Sanda competition is not point fighting. There was at least one knockout on the clip and multiple instances where a hard shot landed and did some damage. There were also a lot of misses (mostly because the opponent moved to avoid the kick), but as I mentioned the clips were selected for moments of flash not for moments of maximum impact.
This clips are from a Chinese martial arts tv show where they do full competitions that focuses more on the skills of the martial artist and not their ability to knock someone out. If you watch the video of the full fight you will see that they aren't trying to knock each other out. This is how it is with all of the fights from that show. If anything these guys show really good control and techniques .

The matches are full contact with the exception of the chest piece that they are wearing and the little padding that they have, but I wouldn't call it a full contact fight. If anything this would be more like a high intensity level of sparring, which is still dangerous and can still result in injury and knockout.
And as usual a YouTube is responded to with ..........another YouTube :yawn::yawn::yawn:
And as usual a YouTube is responded to with ..........another YouTube :yawn::yawn::yawn:
I added the video as a reference and not a response. Now you don't have to guess which show I was referring to.
Reference/response whatever it's still another YouTube. My reference was based on doing full contact and frequent visits to the hospital, win or lose. I know a fight when I see one.