The Best



Whos the best Muay Thai fighter in your opinion?
Whats most important in a fighter, technique, will, or "gas", or something else?
Originally posted by Infight
Whos the best Muay Thai fighter in your opinion?
Whats most important in a fighter, technique, will, or "gas", or something else?
In my opinion Ajarn Chai Sirsute
What is most important is more than ONE single factor. It is rather a combination of all the key factors.
Hey Ace, what makes you say Ajarn Chai? Don't get me wrong, I love the guy. I go to his seminars and visited him at his families house here in Thailand and think very highly of him. I'm just curious.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I doubt if you could single out one person could you? The question is highly debateable as well. which weight division etc etc.

I mean you can rattle off half a dozen names almost instantaneously. Rob Kaman, Ivan Hippolyte, Ernesto Hoost etc etc many dutch to start with. Not to mention Wayne Parr from Australia who has fought in thailand and all around the world and beaten the best the world has to offer.

A fighter needs to possess natural ability to read other peoples movements, mental toughness to put that little bit extra in at all times even though the body might not be willing, physical toughness (which in part is mental I guess) ability to withstand pain (guess this can be conditioned if willing to some extent, and natural ability to pick up decent technique in both defence and attack, and applying all this subconsciously in any situation encountered.
Anyone can train hard and reach a certain peak in physical fitness, but they may not possess the above abilities to be a stand out from the crowd.
I think its hard single one person, but to sample some that i admire is Ernesto Hoost(kickboxing) (dutch guys rocks), Ajarn Chai (man he never get tired), Vanderlei Silva (his knees are killers).
In my opinion, distance is one of the most important factor in a fight, if you know how to keep a good distance that fits your personal fight style, but of course many factors are important in a fight.
Its a general question, dont meant to really shows whos the best, just in youre opinion, dont matter what factors are relevant for you to point the best, of course if you can point the factors that lead you to the elected guy will be great.
Originally posted by Damian Mavis
Hey Ace, what makes you say Ajarn Chai? Don't get me wrong, I love the guy. I go to his seminars and visited him at his families house here in Thailand and think very highly of him. I'm just curious.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
By the Stuff i've seen & Read about him
He was a a teacher to one of my former instructers.
The Respect Shown By Him & others.
That is Y he is my choice.
I kind of like Peter Aerts. I watch a lot of K1 , Hoost is probably my fave . Anybody watch that Hoost vs. Sapp fight , wowee