Tao Te Ching

  • Thread starter Chicago Green Dragon
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Chicago Green Dragon

I recently got into an interesting discussion with someone on this book. She believes that the author Lao Tsu never existed and I believe he did. What do you think ?

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
Its controversial, a quick google search should turn up some sites.
I believe he did,however it is very likely that he did not write the book himself as with Confucious.
Yes, he probably did exist, but no one can be certain if he authored the famous book.
I guess it doesnt matter if he existed or not.

The work is good but it is nice to know who created it sometimes so you can see if there is other work out there that might be of interest too.


Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
What so great about the book? Do you know how many Chinese school kids in Taiwan, HK and other Chinese cities, cursed it? :D
For me its a book that makes me think......

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
Originally posted by Chicago Green Dragon
For me its a book that makes me think......

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:

We had many discussions during Senior classes in WunHopKuenDo about the meanings of his book and the book of Chuang Tzu and how they related to Gung Fu.. Most all of them can be related in some way.

It was always a good time to hear everyones ideas on different passages.

As far a him being a real person???Sources say yes. Born around 600 BC.

BTW The Tao Te Ching is the second most translated classic book

Gene Gabel

:asian: :asian:
What is the first most translated book ?

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
Originally posted by Chicago Green Dragon
What is the first most translated book ?

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:

The Bible

Gene Gabel:asian: