I have some money saved up and I am considering spending the summer "vacationing" and studying martial arts abroad. I have looked mostly in Thailand at muay thai camps because of the low cost (i can fly to, eat/live and study 1 on 1 at a camp in phuket all sumer for about $4000) but it has recently come to my attention that the cost of living in the Philippines is also extremely low (by American standards).
It was relatively easy to find numerous muay thai camps online, but i have not been able to find many fma schools, camps or private instructors in the Philippines. This search is complicated by the fact that I am looking to study a combative fma concentrating mostly on empty hands close quarters tactics.
Does anyone know of any camps, teachers, schools etc. in the Philippines where i could spend a summer for $3-7 k? (including airfare). The low cost of training in Thailand may have given me an unrealistic expectation of cost, so if 3-7k unreasonably low, that would be good information to have as well since anything above $7500 exceeds my budget.
Thanks so much!
I have some money saved up and I am considering spending the summer "vacationing" and studying martial arts abroad. I have looked mostly in Thailand at muay thai camps because of the low cost (i can fly to, eat/live and study 1 on 1 at a camp in phuket all sumer for about $4000) but it has recently come to my attention that the cost of living in the Philippines is also extremely low (by American standards).
It was relatively easy to find numerous muay thai camps online, but i have not been able to find many fma schools, camps or private instructors in the Philippines. This search is complicated by the fact that I am looking to study a combative fma concentrating mostly on empty hands close quarters tactics.
Does anyone know of any camps, teachers, schools etc. in the Philippines where i could spend a summer for $3-7 k? (including airfare). The low cost of training in Thailand may have given me an unrealistic expectation of cost, so if 3-7k unreasonably low, that would be good information to have as well since anything above $7500 exceeds my budget.
Thanks so much!