Snake Style Form

That video is of my Sifu when he went to visit the Shaolin Temple in China. is our website and if you click on videos you can see him perform 5 5 animal forms, Crane, Tiger, Snake, Dragon, Leopard as well. Lots of cool videos actually. If you are a fan of Northern Longfist and Southern 5 animals style then check it out.
Thanks for posting the website. Looks like a great school.

Thanks for posting the website. Looks like a great school.


No problem. yes it really is a great school. I am having a ton of fun studying there. I am most impressed by the level of knowledge and skill in my Sifu. He is 2 years younger than me and all. Not that age has much to do with it but to find someone his age with a obvious deep understanding of Kung Fu is amazing. I am a lucky student for sure.
ALl Kung fu is WUshu but if you are referring to modern Contemporary Wushu , it is most certainly not. It is traditional, Northern Longfist and traditional Southern 5 animals. Go look at the website and look at our lineage and you will see , no Modern Wushu masters in there. Not that there is anything wrong with Contemporary wushu, but we actually learn the applications to our techniques, rather than simply perform them.

Just a FYI.
I do southern snake style from the Shaolin Temple near Fukien Province. It's Green Bamboo Viper. This form of snake originally came from the river banks of Cambodia and worked its way up towards China. As it migrated north to China it became more and more refined until it was incorporated into Shaolin.
I do southern snake style from the Shaolin Temple near Fukien Province. It's Green Bamboo Viper. This form of snake originally came from the river banks of Cambodia and worked its way up towards China. As it migrated north to China it became more and more refined until it was incorporated into Shaolin.

Interesting, was it a seperate style in Cambodia or part of an eariler Cambodian art?

Interesting, was it a seperate style in Cambodia or part of an eariler Cambodian art?

To be honest with you I never asked my sifu that question and he never said. He just said it originated on the river banks of Cambodia. The snake style that we do has low sweeps and the practitioners body takes a medium to high stance position & the body is fairly straight. Very rarely does the practitioners body sink or go low except to sweep. Mostly open hand strikes with few closed hand strikes. My Sifu is John Dufresne and our grandmaster is Grandmaster John Wing Lok Ng (Ng Family style Kung Fu)
That video is of my Sifu when he went to visit the Shaolin Temple in China. is our website and if you click on videos you can see him perform 5 5 animal forms, Crane, Tiger, Snake, Dragon, Leopard as well. Lots of cool videos actually. If you are a fan of Northern Longfist and Southern 5 animals style then check it out.

Can you tell me a little bit about the snake style that you do?
I do southern snake style from the Shaolin Temple near Fukien Province. It's Green Bamboo Viper. This form of snake originally came from the river banks of Cambodia and worked its way up towards China. As it migrated north to China it became more and more refined until it was incorporated into Shaolin.

Hello Jade dragon, its me from DL
To be honest with you I never asked my sifu that question and he never said. He just said it originated on the river banks of Cambodia. The snake style that we do has low sweeps and the practitioners body takes a medium to high stance position & the body is fairly straight. Very rarely does the practitioners body sink or go low except to sweep. Mostly open hand strikes with few closed hand strikes. My Sifu is John Dufresne and our grandmaster is Grandmaster John Wing Lok Ng (Ng Family style Kung Fu)

Thanks for the info. Do you guys have a website?

Thanks for the info. Do you guys have a website?

Unfortunitely my Sifu moved from where I live back to his home town of Boston. He no longer has a school here. He only teaches a few people now and teaches me only when he comes back to visit so he doesn't have a web site. You can however see our grandmaster on doing a dragon form. If you type in John Wing Lok Ng it will bring a clip of him up. It will also bring up someclips of one of his students whose name is Sijo Rusty Gray.
Can you tell me a little bit about the snake style that you do?

Well it is not specifically snake style that we learn at my school. The style is 5 animals. Wu Xing Chuan is the official name. Some Google Fu will help you learn more about it.